I am interesting in solving the following nonlinear, time-dependent pde in 2 spatial dimensions (complex Gross-Pitaevskii eq):
$$i \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t} = \left[ -\nabla^2 + (1-i \sigma)(|\psi|^2-1) \right] \psi$$
The goal is to find steady state solutions for the function $\psi(x,y,t)$, for different parameters $\sigma$. Here $\sigma$ is a positive real-valued parameter. The boundary conditions can initially be of the Dirichlet type, setting the function $\psi$ to zero on the contour of a square, but later on I plan to implement some absorbing BC (perhaps using the perfectly matched layer method?). I am also considering solving the equation in a different geometry later on, on a disk using polar coordinates.
For the time-dependence, I plan to use the Gryphon module of Erik Skare (https://launchpad.net/gryphonproject), which is basically a Runge-Kutta solver and for the spatial part Fenics.
So the question is, do you think this is feasible to do with Fenics, and if so, how would one proceed?