Given a one-dimensional function (let's say infinitely differentiable) and a prescribed accuracy of an L2 (or H1) norm, what is the optimal mesh and (in general arbitrary) polynomial orders on each element so that the approximation has the least degrees of freedom? (For example if I have three elements, of orders $p_1=2$, $p_2=4$ and $p_3=10$, then there are $p_1+p_2+p_3+1=2+4+10+1=17$ degrees of freedom.)
The answer are the polynomial orders and coordinates of the mesh.
In particular, does the most efficient representation have equal polynomial orders on all elements or not?
What is the algorithm to find this optimal representation?
Naive algorithm
For each total number of elements N=1, 2, 3, ..., we pick all combinations of polynomial orders $p_i$ (e.g. for N=3, we have (1, 1, 1), (2, 1, 1), (1, 2, 1), (1, 1, 2), (2, 2, 1), ..., (100, 1, 1), ...) and we optimize the coordinates of the mesh in order to minimize the L1 norm. A candidate is such a combination of mesh+orders, that has a lower L1 norm than prescribed. We only keep the candidate with the lowest degrees of freedom. We skip combinations of N and $p_i$ which have more degrees of freedom, so the algorithm must eventually terminate.
Examples of functions that I have in mind are numerical solutions of radial Schroedinger or Dirac equations on a finite interval (either as part of DFT or Hartree-Fock), as well as the various corresponding potentials. All these functions are infinitely differentiable and the numerical solver can solve those to arbitrary numerical accuracy. Then I set e.g. $10^{-6}$ in L2 norm and I want to know the most efficient representation in terms of $hp$-FEM degrees of freedom.