Questions tagged [adaptive-mesh-refinement]

For questions about AMR, a technique for dynamically updating the precision of a grid to ensure a certain accuracy for a given region.

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Time advance in Adaptive Mesh Refinement method

I am working on solving complex system of 2D PDEs governing the behaviour of plasma in a gas lamp during discharge. Recent tests have shown that because of steep gradients in temperature field and ...
Dantragof's user avatar
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Grid rearrangement for anisotropic transport simulations

In computational plasma physics, one often faces problems with extremely high transport anisotropy, 1e6 and more, since transport along the magnetic field is much faster than across. To deal with this ...
Maxim Umansky's user avatar
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How to get an "optimal point" for refinement in FEM adaptive mesh refinement?

Consider the following 1D problem \begin{align*} \begin{cases} \displaystyle -\frac{d^2u}{dx^2} = f(x), \hspace{0.5cm} x\in (a,b) \\[4mm] u(a) = u_{a}, \ \ u(b) = u_{b} \end{cases} \end{align*} I ...
Warren's user avatar
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Adaptive mesh data structure for Fast Marching Method to overcome RAM limit

On an uniform mesh of positions in space $\ (x_i,y_j,z_k)$: $$\ x_i = x_0 + i\Delta x,\quad i=0,\ldots,n_x$$ $$\ y_j = y_0 + j\Delta y,\quad j=0,\ldots,n_y$$ $$\ z_k = z_0 + k\Delta z,\quad k=0,\...
Andy's user avatar
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Implementation of Z^2 error estimator in Abaqus for adaptive mesh refinement

Currently, I am working on a remeshing routine for my simulations (Abaqus 6.14-1) using python scripts. The simulation deals with the Brinell indentation test and as the remeshing software I use Gmsh ...
fruitiest Punch's user avatar
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scalable parallel mesh/amr on unstructured grid

I am trying to code a scalable parallel AMR for unstructured grid. There seems to be three approaches for this a) Store some global grid info on each processor and partition with parmetis (The ...
danny's user avatar
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Adaptive Finite Element Method - Laplace

I'm currently attempting to turn my code for solving the laplace equation using finite element approximations into an adaptive one using the dual weighted residual as my error estimator: i.e. my ...
James's user avatar
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Adaptive Mesh vs Uniform Mesh for multiple source/boundary/initial Data

I'm going to ask some beginners' questions. Adaptive mesh can save many DOFs than a uniform mesh. But it also needs to solve linear systems changing with mesh adaptive process. Is this not problem? ...
Hui Zhang's user avatar
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Best way to find the meshing with lowest number of elements allowing a max error of 1%?

So, I have a reference simulation meshing that's 100% reliable but it's costly in terms of time so I'm looking for optimizing it by finding the minimum mesh allowing at most 1% of error with respect ...
Harold Morgan's user avatar
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Non-cubic blocks in Adaptive Mesh Refinement

Most Adaptive Mesh Refinement softwares/logic have cubic blocks. I have explored the BoxLib library and it ONLY supports cubic blocks. To be more precise it supports non-cubic blocks at the coarsest ...
Gaurav Saxena's user avatar
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Algorithm for Adaptive Mesh Refinement

I am trying to implement Adaptive Mesh Refinement. I am not a Mathematics/Computational Science person so I will try to write the algorithm in a simpler way. I will be grateful if experts can comment ...
Gaurav Saxena's user avatar
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Square error estimate for adaptive mesh refinement

In a particular implementation(Finite volume advection using upwind) of adaptive mesh refinement the error square estimate for a cell C is given as $$ \sum_{i = x,y,z} vol * \frac{1}{12} * h^{2} * (\...
datapanda's user avatar
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Conservation at grid interface in adaptive mesh refinement

I am using adaptive mesh refinement to solve one dimensional inviscid Burgers equation. However I am facing some difficulty to handle grid interfaces which are not uniform (coarse-fine grid interface)....
Tanmay Agrawal's user avatar
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Need help with adaptive meshing code

I am trying to understand adaptive meshing and is using this code ( as a reference. However, there is no documentation for it and thus, it is hard for me to ...
newbie125's user avatar
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Refluxing step on Finite difference AMR

Hi I am a computer scientist working on MHD code for astrophysics simulation. We use a finite difference scheme where we first solve the spatial derivatives and with them solve the right hand side and ...
Touko Puro's user avatar