Questions tagged [algorithms]

A description of the specific steps needed to solve a particular problem in an unambiguous way, expressed in an abstract form.

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0 votes
1 answer

algorithm to assign points to winning users

I have a set of users who have won a game ('jim', 12), ('james', 54), ('john', 76), ('dave', 22), ('garry', 34), ('stuart', 16) I want to award them a share of ...
john's user avatar
  • 3
3 votes
1 answer

Fast nearest neighbor search, Latitude Longitude

Is there a fast nearest neighbor search algorithm that generates the nearest neighbors, not based on Euclidean distances but based on geographic distances over a set of latitudes/longitudes. The fast ...
hearse's user avatar
  • 259
7 votes
2 answers

Is there a fast way to compute histograms for high-dimensional large datasets?

Currently the way I compute histograms for data is by generating grid in $N$ dimensions (where $N$ is the dimension of the data) and searching through the $M$ data points in each dimension to see in ...
Ron's user avatar
  • 265
6 votes
3 answers

Algorithm for Principal Eigenvector of a Real Symmetric 3x3 Matrix

I have a 3x3 covariance matrix (so, real, symmetric, dense, 3x3), I would like it's principal eigenvector, and speed is a concern. Is there a fast algorithm for this specific problem? I've seen ...
anjruu's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Molecular dynamics simulation: fluctuating dipole model implementation

I'm conducting a molecular dynamics simulation for silica. Some time ago I turned to the fluctuating dipole model, and after much effort I'm still having problems implementing it. In short, all ...
Denis's user avatar
  • 41
4 votes
2 answers

Optimization algorithm selection for 3 variable integer

I have a cost function: $f(x,y,z) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ it is very expensive to evaluate $x,y,z \in \mathbb{Z}$ 0 < x < 10 0 < y < 30 0 < z < 100 I thought it was convex, not sure ...
Zac's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Looking for a java library or algorithm for efficiently implementing the second Chebyshev function

Does anyone know of a java library or algorithm for efficiently implementing the second Chebyshev function? To be clear, I'm refering to this expression: $$\vartheta(x) = \sum_{p \le x}\log p$$ $$\...
Larry Freeman's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Convergence of GMRES

From what I understand the GMRES method is (using Arnoldi Iterations/Modified Gram-Schmidt): The first vector of the Krylov subspace span of A is the normalized vector $\frac{\vec b - A\vec x_0} {|| \...
helloworld922's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is there any 1-D test case for incompressible flow codes?

There is quasi 1-D C-D nozzle test case for compressible flow codes, like that "is there any 1-D test case for incompressible flow codes?"
Shainath's user avatar
  • 489
4 votes
2 answers

Problem Condition and Algorithm Stability

Consider 2 mathematical problems: $$ f_1(x) = a - x \\ f_2(x) = e^x -1 $$ The condition number for a function is defined as follows: $$ k(f) = \left| x \cdot \frac{f'}{f} \right| $$ Lets analyze ...
Alexander Shukaev's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Neighbor pattern look-up table enumeration on an octree mesh

I am working with an octree mesh where variables are stored in a collocated fashion at octant centers. I want to construct a lookup table for interpolation weights that may occur using only a cell and ...
John Mousel's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

How to solve block tridiagonal matrix using Thomas algorithm

Thomas algorithm can be used to solve a tridiagonal matrix: $$ \begin{bmatrix} {b_ 1} & {c_ 1} & { } & { } & { 0 } \\ {a_ 2} & {b_ 2} & {c_ 2} & { } & { }...
xslittlegrass's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Library for solving a linear selection problem in a distributed memory machine

I need to solve a very large O(10^10) linear selection problem in a distributed memory machine, is there any library that will solve it for me? In shared memory ...
gnzlbg's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Find all the roots of a function in a given interval

I need to find all the roots of a scalar function in a given interval. The function may have discontinuities. The algorithm can have a precision of ε (e.g. it is ok if the algorithm doesn't find two ...
Charles Brunet's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Confusion related to P and NP problems

I have this confusion related to P and NP problems. Why is P a subset of NP? I didn't get it. P problems can be solved in polynomial time. However, NP problems cannot but only verify if a solution is ...
user34790's user avatar
  • 473
1 vote
1 answer

How to calculate the complexity of a given Algorithm

I have the following algorithm given: Input: Regular Matrix $A \in \mathbb R^{n,n}$ Output: LU-Decomposition of A = LU for k = 1, . . . , n do for j = k, . . . , n do $r_{kj} = a_{kj} − \sum_{i=1}^...
Steven2143's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Color frequency of a pixel

Is it possible to calculate the color frequency of a pixel? I mean, I get a pixel that is red but where this red sits on the spectrum in hertz? Is this even possible to do even in a limited way? ...
Duck's user avatar
  • 119
13 votes
5 answers

Repeated nearest neighbor calculation for millions of data points too slow

I have a dataset running into millions of data points in 3D. For the calculation I am doing, I need to calculate neighbor (range search) to each data point in a radius, try to fit a function, ...
Kaustubh Kaluskar's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Implementing the $\theta$-method for solving an IVP

I also posted this question on the Math SE site, but it was suggested I post here also. I want to implement the $\theta$-method to solve an IVP in MATLAB. The $\theta$-method is: $y_{j+1} = y_j + h[\...
badjr's user avatar
  • 143
8 votes
1 answer

What is the correct formulation of this "shopping bag" optimization problem, and how can I solve it efficiently?

I'm looking at finding a solution to the following problem, but I'm having trouble formulating it sensibly, and then finding an appropriate algorithm to solve it. Consider a list of items placed in a ...
James Osborn's user avatar
3 votes
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Dissipation and symplectic manifolds

I'm working on an API for simulation of port-Hamiltonian systems. As far as I understand it, a Hamiltonian system is symplectic if it is power conserving, and so including resistive elements would ...
Sophie Taylor's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Algorithm to distribute symbols uniformly in a square grid?

Given a square grid of size $n\times n$ and $m$ symbols (say for example, alphabets A, B, C...), having $N(i)$ number of $i$th symbol; $\sum_{i=1}^{m}N(i) = n\times n$. Is there any computationally ...
Srij's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
2 answers

Clustering Algorithm for a congruence relation?

Say we are given a congruence relation$~\sim$ in a dataset with $n$ elements. I am looking for an algorithm for optimally sorting the $n$ elements into $m$ clusters according to given congruence ...
Nathaniel Bubis's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to find a formula for a set of number from the result? [closed]

I have these two sets of number, I also have a result. Is it possible to compute the relation between them so that I can figure out how the result is generated ? for example I have : Set A=4 6 12 25 ...
alex's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Looking for an algorithm that allocates climbing hold colors to wall sectors

I posted this question earlier on stackoverflow, where it was closed as off-topic. I hope it survives here. I our climbing gym, the routes need to be re-set from time to time. The following rules ...
Christoph's user avatar
  • 245
4 votes
4 answers

Efficient assembly of finite element matrix in MATLAB

Question What is the most efficient algorithm for finding a row of a matrix which matches a given row? This is the same as a table lookup based on multiple criteria. Context Finite Element Matrices ...
Daryl's user avatar
  • 178
5 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to reduce aberration in computations of planets' trajectories?

I don't think the title is very accurate , sorry for that. I simulate bodies in space using two timestep: the TIMESTEP is the Δt wich I use to make the calculation and XTIME is the number of times ...
eephyne's user avatar
  • 151
3 votes
0 answers

Parallel algorithm to use in place of PORTA?

We currently use PORTA software to find the list of facet-defining inequalities (FDI) for polytopes that we work with. For certain polytopes, PORTA works fine. But because it is a serial algorithm (...
cez's user avatar
  • 31
4 votes
1 answer

Multi-objectives fitness function with hard and soft constraints

Background I am using genetic algorithm to solve the multiple-traveling-salesman problem. It work fine when I have only one constraint (distance) for my fitness function: ie: the lower the total ...
Pierre-David Belanger's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Eigenvalue Decomposition of Hermitian Matrix in Scala

I'm working on helping my friend create code to perform the Overlap Dirac Operator and have come across one part that I'm not sure what to do. I need to compute the Eigenvalues and corresponding ...
Phillip Huff's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Finding two shortest path that are 'distant' in the graph

The problem is as follows: We are given a graph with each edge length 1 and two pairs of vertices (a,b) and (c,d). How to find shortest paths between from a to b and from c to d, with assumption that ...
Vees's user avatar
  • 121
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0 answers

exact area resampling [closed]

I do image processing, and right now I need to resample some images taken from slightly different perspectives so I can match up features. The pixel intensities have scientific significance, so I want ...
Paul's user avatar
  • 131
8 votes
1 answer

What algorithm to use for parallel dense matrix inversion on at most 8 cores?

I need to implement parallel dense matrix inversion for a language I am using that appears to not have an existing library for this (specifically IDL using IDL Bridge for message passing). I am ...
Bogdanovist's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Nonlinear dynamics: algorithm suggest

I've just started a thesis on nonlinear dynamics which entails numerical analysis of the Duffing oscillator (DO). It's basically just a second order ODE, or equivalently a set of ODEs. Say, after ...
trolle3000's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Improve optimization over 'mapping' of indices

I have two tables at my disposal, one work dataset and one reference dataset. Each dataset has got two columns, lets say these are fields A and B. I would like to associate the rows in the reference ...
kiriloff's user avatar
  • 343
12 votes
2 answers

Computation of Cholesky factor

So the Cholesky decomposition theorem states that that any real symmetric positive-definite matrix $M$ has a Cholesky decomposition $M= LL^\top$ where $L$ is a lower triangular matrix. Given $M$, ...
smilingbuddha's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

I am looking for a parallel dynamic graph library in C++

Hello scicomp community, I have worked in the area of graph algorithms using frameworks such as NetworkX (Python), JUNG and YFiles (Java). I am now entering the area of parallel and high perfomance ...
clstaudt's user avatar
  • 243
5 votes
2 answers

How to find all complex roots of an equation in a domain

I am facing a problem where I want to find the complex roots of $f(z)=z-sin(z)=0$ numerically. There are infinitely many roots of the function, but I am only interested in the $N$ closest to the ...
Bernhard's user avatar
  • 155
8 votes
3 answers

What is the criteria for switching between Strassen's and Regular matrix multiplication Algorithms

Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication algorithm has theoretical performance of $ O( n^{log_2 7}) $. Regular MM algorithm has performance of $ O( n^{3}) $. At certain sizes of matrices (lets call it $n*n$),...
newprint's user avatar
  • 231
2 votes
2 answers

Implementing PageRank using the Power Method

I am trying to implement the PageRank algorithm described in this paper (Fig. 1). Here is the breakdown of the steps: where: ...
user2398029's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Randomly choose among N alternatives

I understand how to generate a random sequence of binary variables where 1 occurs with probability p and ...
mac389's user avatar
  • 163
6 votes
1 answer

Ray casting algorithm for multiple disjoint polygons is still valid?

We're dealing with country borders, that is the set of multiple disjoint domains that is made of polygons. To extract the different point on the map by a given country we've been said to implement ...
Igor's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Algorithms for Large Sparse Integer Matrices

I'm looking for a library that performs matrix operations on large sparse matrices w/o sacrificing numerical stability. Matrices will be 1000+ by 1000+ and values of the matrix will be between 0 and ...
jgonagle's user avatar
  • 123
5 votes
1 answer

correct complexity notation

I have written an algorithm where the 2 input arguments are a file and a list of values. I would like to say the algorithm complexity is: ...
Yaron Naveh's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Test set non linear solver

what is your preferred test set to test quality of non linear solver? this could be set of data, model and results obtained with some benchmark solver, or simply a panel of test functions that could ...
kiriloff's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Simulated Annealing proof of convergence

I implemented downhill simplex simulated annealing algorithm. Algorithm is very hard to tune, w.r.t. parameters including cooling schedule, starting temperature... My first question is about ...
kiriloff's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Parallelization of LSE solvers using CUDA

I want to know methods which are fully parallelizable on CUDA architecture. I have implemented the Jacobi and Conjugate Gradient methods and now Im thinking about the Bi-Conjugate gradient method. I ...
facunvd's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add perturbation to a base state in physical grid space?

For study 3D instabilities problem i.e a base state (velocity field and temperature field) and an additional perturbation. The method must be independent of the type of instabilities considered but ...
ucsky's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Concave polygon 'hull' finding

I implemented an algorithm to find the alpha shape of a set of points. The alpha shape is a concave hull for a set of points, whose shape depends on a parameter alpha deciding which points make up the ...
kiriloff's user avatar
  • 343
11 votes
1 answer

Sensitivity of BFGS to initial Hessian approximations

I'm trying to implement the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno method to find the minimum of a function. I need two initial guesses $x_{-1}$ & $x_0$ and an initial Hessian Matrix approximation $B_0$...
Paul's user avatar
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