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3 answers

C standard for computational science

Which C standard should be used for computational science code ? Should we keep compatibility with C89/90/ANSI or jump to C99 or C11 ? Context: Code will use third-party : BLAS, LAPACK, MKL, ...
Johann MARTINET's user avatar
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Wrong result of 'ddot' from BLAS

I am having trouble with a C/C++ program that uses the BLAS routine ddot. I am running Linux and so far LAPACK routines worked without any problems. I get a wrong ...
Blablablu's user avatar
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2 answers

Do BLAS routines compute their respective operations with minimum error?

Do all BLAS routines compute the respective operation with minimum error ? i.e. Is the reduction in sdot computed with least error ? I need to call these ...
kesari's user avatar
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Kronecker products and basis contractions (ie. B.A.Transpose[B]) in C?

I have implemented a basis transformation in C of the following form kron[A,A]*B*Transpose[kron[A,A]] where A and ...
Kevan's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

BLAS, LAPACK or ATLAS for Matrix Multiplication in C

I am trying to find the most optimized way to perform Matrix Multiplication of very large sizes in C language and under Windows 7 or Ubuntu 14.04. And searching led me to BLAS, LAPACK and ATLAS. ...
hpc_beginner's user avatar
78 votes
5 answers

How much better are Fortran compilers really?

This question is an extension of two discussions that came up recently in the replies to "C++ vs Fortran for HPC". And it is a bit more of a challenge than a question... One of the most often-heard ...
Pedro's user avatar
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