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2 answers

2d Schrodinger Equation via matrix diagonalization in C

I am trying to solve the time-independent Schrodinger equation in two dimensions via discrete matrix diagonalization. I want the energy eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenfunctions for a given ...
user8384493's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Using GSL for basic operations

I am learning C/C++ for Scientific Computing and I have a question regarding the usage of scientific libraries for basic operations. Suppose I have to write a small program in C for a bioinformatics ...
wrong_path's user avatar
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Problem in analyzing the program of Gauss Jordan Inverse problem

I had to code a program which calculates Inverse of a matrix by Gauss-Jordan Inverse method , I was trying to analyse the program and then code it myself. the link
BAYMAX's user avatar
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1 answer

Linear solve using CHLOMOD in C

I am using the open-source CHLOMOD (as here in order to solve a linear system Ax=b (performing A/b=x) in my domain decomposition code but I am ...
user20973's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Open Source Linear Algebra Library

I am making a code in C that requires the equivalent of Matlab's '\' command for a linear system of the form AX=B where A is an NxN matrix and X, B are Nx1 vectors- i.e a code that performs X=A\B that ...
user20973's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Recommendation for C/C++ library which offers Schur complement functions?

I need to find C/C++ libraries which offer function for computing Schur complement. I know about MUMPS and Pastix, but I need more of them to compare them in my research. Do you have any experience ...
Eenoku's user avatar
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What is wrong with this matrix multiplication?

I am attempting to write a matrix multiplication routine because I need to do some analysis in CUDA and I want to validate it with CPU code. I am trying to use <...
drjrm3's user avatar
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2 answers

BLAS, LAPACK or ATLAS for Matrix Multiplication in C

I am trying to find the most optimized way to perform Matrix Multiplication of very large sizes in C language and under Windows 7 or Ubuntu 14.04. And searching led me to BLAS, LAPACK and ATLAS. ...
hpc_beginner's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Libraries for distributed-memory Cholesky factorization?

What libraries can compute dense Cholesky factorizations in distributed-memory environments (preferably using MPI). I'm using C/C++, and have access to a cluster of between 1 and 40 nodes, where each ...
Hugh Perkins's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Testing if two 12x12 matrices have the same determinant

I am given a $12 \times 12$ matrix $Q$ that is symmetric, invertible, positive definite and dense. I need to test if $$\det(Q) = \det(12I-Q-J) \; \; (1)$$ where $J$ is the all ones matrix. I am ...
Jernej's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Extracting a 2D matrix from a multidimensional array in C

In my c language program, I have to store multiple dense $m\times m$ matrices corresponding to gridpoints $x_i$ with $i=1,...,n$. I decided to create a three dimensional array $A\in R^{n\times m\...
Paul's user avatar
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