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Questions tagged [deal.ii]

For questions about applying the deal.II C++ Finite Element library to a computational problem.

6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Global reconstruction defined elementwise in a-posteriori error estimator

This question is a follow-up of this previous one. In "Error Control for Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for First Order Hyperbolic Problems" by Georgoulis et al., an error estimator is ...
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Confusion about preconditioner for incompressible Navier-Stokes equation with implicit-explicit method

Consider the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equation $$u_t + (u \cdot \nabla) u - \Delta u + \nabla p = f$$ $$\operatorname{div}(u)=0$$ Looking at deal.ii tutorials, I've notice that there are ...
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Matrix Free alternatives in dealii

I am implementing a Fast Multipole Method (FMM) in deal ii. I do not want to store a dense matrix, but lower rank matrices and to use matrix free methods. By now, I store the elements of the low-rank ...
user90189's user avatar
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Radially symmetric system of PDEs in deal.II

I am trying to solve the radially symmetric polar form of the PDE with homogeneous Neumann BC in deal.II on a unit circle: $$ u_t = \Delta u - \nabla \cdot (u \nabla h) $$ $$ h_t = \Delta h $$ I am ...
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computational tool for higher order Lagrangian interpolation for finite element

In finite element, I can calculate the Lagrangian interpolation shape functions for each degree of freedom in an element, from the the number of nodal degrees of freedom and the number of nodes ...
user294664's user avatar
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deal.II and curved faces: how can I get the curved description

I'm not a deal.II expert, and while studying step-6 I was reading the documentation of the MappingQ1 class in the deal.II documentation. At some point in the description (
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