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Questions tagged [density-functional-theory]

For questions about applying density functional theory, a method for predicting the energy and other properties of multi-electron systems (e.g. molecules and materials)

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How to get DOS for each iteration?

Do any Density Functional Theory (DFT) codes (for example, QE ABINIT, Fleur, ....) provide the availability of getting the density of states (DOS) which produced by each iteration of the Self-...
Bekaso's user avatar
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I encountered some issues simulating the shape transition of silicon clusters using LAMMPS

== I have been trying to write an input file for lammps to simulate the shape transition of a nanoparticle of silicon using multiple potentials to obtain the best structure, which I will compare with ...
Hadjmohammad Abderahmane's user avatar
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Kinetic preconditioning

Publication arXiv:0804.2583 describes a method for doing self-consistent iteration without having to diagonalize the Hamiltonian operator at every step. IX. PRECONDITIONING As already mentioned, ...
tohoyn's user avatar
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Density functional theory: Total energies and forces

In DFT, forces are calculated using the Hellman-Feynman theorem, such that: $$\frac{\text{d} E_\lambda}{\text{d} \lambda} = \left \langle \psi_\lambda \left|\frac{\text{d} \hat{H_\lambda}}{\text{d}\...
Chronum's user avatar
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Does quantum espresso and VASP use same same self-consistent-field procedure?

The codes Quantum Espresso (QE) and Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP) both use plane wave basis sets and psuedopotentials. Most of the codes in both implementation of DFT uses Fortran code. ...
phenomenon's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How does density-functional-theory scale with cell size, not with number of electrons

The discussion in How does density functional theory scale with system size? already tells, how DFT scales with the number of electrons. I want to simulate some clusters, so the simulation cell ...
Xanto3000's user avatar
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How to make supercell of partial occupancies for DFT?

In the case of partial occupancies (for example, this CIF), a supercell should be made for DFT calculations. However, numerous supercells can be built from a lattice (in the above example, 200 ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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Is there a software package for Quantum Monte Carlo estimation of the exchange correlation functional?

Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) calculations historically have been used to parameterise the exchange-correlation functionals for Density Functional Theory (DFT). For example, this article explains a way to ...
Okarin's user avatar
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Crank-Nicolson integrator: oscillations with complex matrix

I'm working on a Real-Time TDDFT implementation and I am currently comparing different propagation schemes for the propagation of the Kohn-Sham wave function, $$ \phi(t+\Delta t) = \hat{\mathcal{U}}\...
Lukk's user avatar
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1 answer

Matrix exponential by eigenvectors - implementation issues

I posted a similar question yesterday but I deleted it since I think that I had to reformulate it after some insights. I want to calculate $$ \exp(-i\Delta t\,\mathcal{H}) = V\,\mathrm{diag}(\{\exp(-...
Lukk's user avatar
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1 answer

Simple open-source Quantum chemistry or DFT code in C/C++

I know lot of density functional packages in fortran, including one which we are developing in our group (Fireball-DFT) but I don't like fortran very much and I would like something which is easier ...
Prokop Hapala's user avatar
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Gaussian geometry optimisation: molecule is getting dissociated into sub group?

I was trying to optimise CdSe (Cysteine) molecule using a semi-empirical method in Gaussian 09 (and gaussView) for a preliminary study of quantum dots. But it seems as the number of iterations ...
Muhameed Mashal bt15m010's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

CPU for ab-initio DFT calculations

I need to build a new desktop PC, where ab-initio DFT calculation going to be performed. I am searching for a CPU in value range 600 - 1000€. I was thinking about six-core Intel Core i7-6850K or 8-...
Addman's user avatar
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Choose of basis set [closed]

I am engaged with the syntheses and DFT calculations of coordination complexes. I wonder how can I set up the basis set for carried out using B3LYP method and mixed basis sets of LanL2DZ for Pd and 6-...
othman ibrahim's user avatar
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3 answers

Quantum Chemical Calculations is there a book for which method to use with what problem?

Does anyone know of a book that will outline which quantum chemical methods are appropriate for what problems? I am trying to make informed choices before I start using computational resources. It is ...
user2267258's user avatar
9 votes
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Ways to start ab initio MD from classical MD

I am running molecular dynamics simulations of water for testing purposes. The box is quite small, if you ask a guy running classical MD, and relatively large, if you ask a DFT guy: I have 58 water ...
Miguel's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is potential energy of dimer in DFT scan at large distance not zero?

I am a newbie in DFT calculations. I did potential energy scans with GAUSSIAN 09 for different dimers, i.e. ...
transitionmetal's user avatar
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Calculation of phonon dispersion

I have a couple of conceptual questions regarding the calculation of phonon dispersions. I wish to calculate the phonon dispersion of Nickel with my lattice vectors given by [111], [1-10] and [11-2] (...
Ajax's user avatar
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2 answers

Code/package for Quasiharmonic approximation

I'm trying to find some finite temperature properties using ab-initio simulations; and for this, I'm looking for a tool to be used as an auxiliary to DFT simulations (in VASP) to implement ...
Ajax's user avatar
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Installing GPAW (Python DFT package) on a computing cluster

I'm in the middle of installing GPAW on a cluster but I'm running into problems building the "gpaw-python" interpreter, its job is to allow users to execute parallelised GPAW calculations. Following ...
Josh's user avatar
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Suggest methods and basis sets for a variety of systems [closed]

Please help me with any/all of the cases below. In the following cases, the named method and basis set are not suitable for the chemical systems. Why aren't they? Could you suggest a suitable method/...
ARaf's user avatar
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3 answers

Reproducibility in molecular dynamics trajectories

Let's say I have two molecular dynamics (MD) simulators, A and B, which implement the following interface: $$ \left\{\vec{x}_i(t = 0), T_i, t \right\} \rightarrow \left\{\vec{x}_i(t), \vec{F}_i(t) \...
Max Hutchinson's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Does energy decrease with basis set size in density functional theory?

Based on the variational principle, one might expect that the ground state energy of a density functional theory (DFT) calculation will decrease as the basis set size increases. (As I understand it, ...
Max Radin's user avatar
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15 votes
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How does density functional theory scale with system size?

Theoretically, how does the time to do a density functional theory (DFT) calculation scale with the number of electrons? I'm interested in "typical" DFT implementations such as VASP, ABINIT, etc., not ...
Max Radin's user avatar
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Implementing simple atom model using density functional theory (DFT)

I am trying to write computer code which will find the energy and density function for a atom with Z protons and N electrons. I am working in 1D for simplicity and would like to make the overall code ...
joshlk's user avatar
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What is the difference between ECPs and ADF frozen cores?

As the title suggests, what are the differences between the frozen core approximation as implemented by Amsterdam Density Functional and effective core potentials (ECPs)?
Richard Terrett's user avatar
11 votes
7 answers

Limitations of Density Functional Theory as a computational method?

This question arises from the need I have to prepare a lesson on the limitations of Density Functional Theory as a computational approach. I would like to know not only the limitations, but also ...
Stefano Borini's user avatar
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Discretization of Classical Density Functional Theory (CDFT) problems

I formulate questions about ion densities in biological and materials problems using Classical Density Functional Theory, as in this paper which is also on the arXiv. The discretization in that paper ...
Matt Knepley's user avatar
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Pauli repulsion contribution in electronic structure computations

I am looking for a method to estimate the contribution from Pauli repulsion to the interaction energy of a molecular dimer in an electronic structure computation (e.g. with Density Functional Theory). ...
Toon Verstraelen's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

How is B3LYP implemented in Gaussin 0*, GAMESS-US, Molpro, ... etc?

Specifically I want to extend work involving B3LYP started with Gaussian 03 but continued with GAMESS-US. The energies provided by the default B3LYP methods are not the same. There is a discussion ...
Yann's user avatar
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