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Questions tagged [discretization]

The process of representing a continuum space with a finite set of points/elements

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How to correctly discretize volume elements in different geometries?

I am solving a reaction-diffusion problem in one dimension for a catalyst particle to get the internal effectiveness factor ($\eta$),as given below: $$ \eta = \frac{\int_0^{V_p}{R_i\ dV}}{R_i^{surf}\...
HWIK's user avatar
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Deriving order of accuracy and interpreting a given discretization scheme when underlying method ( finite difference/volume) not known

If a spatial grid is given with time levels like this: to solve the following model problem Now consider the following discretization schemes: Scheme 1 Scheme 2 Usually, to determine order of ...
me10240's user avatar
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What is the name of the theory that combines 3d discretized surfaces and distributed numerical algebra

I've looked into distributed numerical computation work before, but I've realized that 3D applications are all about 3d surfaces and meshes.So I'd like to look into related work on mesh and parallel ...
Haitao Xiao's user avatar
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Why the following discrete inequality are equal?

When reviewing papers on the numerical solutions of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), I observed the following equation: $$ (1-C\tau)||\theta^n||^2 \leq ||\theta^{n-1}||^2 + C\tau (h^{2r+2}), $$ ...
Owen Jun's user avatar
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How to approximate the flux when using finite volumes?

How to approximate flux $F(u)\cdot n$ where $n$ denotes the unit normal outward when using finite volumes? $$\int_{\sigma} F(u) \cdot \boldsymbol{n}_{K, \sigma} \mathrm{d} \gamma(x)$$
Chems Eddine's user avatar
3 votes
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Non-standard boundary condition for incompressible Navier Stokes

I am having difficulties applying the boundary condition $$\frac{\partial \vec{V}}{\partial t} + u\frac{\partial \vec{V}}{\partial x} = \frac{1}{\operatorname{Re}}\frac{\partial ^2 \vec{V}}{\partial y^...
2Napasa's user avatar
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Time discretisation after splitting a 4th order equation

Suppose we have a fourth-order parabolic PDE $$\partial_t u + a(t)\Delta( \Delta u) - div( b(x,t)\nabla u) =0$$ We split the equation into two second-order equations by introducing $w = \Delta u$ thus ...
Thede's user avatar
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What happens at the interface between a solid and a fluid?

I am doing an MPM simulation of water colliding against a solid, I am currently encoding the model for collision forces and I am realising something isn't clicking. Let us assume the fluid experiences ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Grid walk vs. uniform random weights for bounded grid

I want to sample from a bounded space, say $[0,1] \times [0,1] \in \mathbb{R}^2$. I have read about a so-called grid walk that fixes a starting point $x_0 = (x_{0,1}, x_{0,2})$ and then proceeds via $...
KeynesCoeFen's user avatar
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Finding maximums in mesh of graph?

I have a triangle mesh which is an approximation of a smooth graph. i.e. a scalar function of $xy$. I am interested in finding extrema. One naive way I did it was to look at some number of points ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Deviation between Analytic DFT and FFT in Python

Within my work, I am trying to compare analytically retrieved power spectra with ones calculated from fft packages in python. The problem I have, is that the analytic form of the peaks I derived does ...
raeel's user avatar
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A staggered grid for an eigenvalue problem (linear stability analysis)

I'm interested in extending the concept of a staggered grid (commonly used to solve the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations) to a linear stability analysis context. For example, we can consider ...
Samantha B.'s user avatar
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finding discretization error in Burger equation

I was reading the paper given in the link and I have a problem in understanding in page 10 for the Burger equation on implementing Parareal method ...
420's user avatar
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constructing a symmetric matrix for finite difference

I come across the following operator in a paper $\mathcal{I}\psi = \psi_{xxxx} + (r~\psi_x)_x$, where $\psi=\psi(x)$ and $r=r(x)$. Periodic boundary condition is employed. It claims that the operator $...
Physicist's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I use Q0 finite elements when there are gradients involved?

Could I apply a Q0-discretization to, say, the Poisson equation $\Delta \phi = f$ (where by Q0 I mean piecewise constant, and thus non-continuous, elements)? Solving this with FEM, at least as I know ...
MaxD's user avatar
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Are Python/MATLAB/Mathematica numerical eigenvectors affected by eigenvalue degeneracies outside region of calculation?

I have a discretized 2D mesh over which I calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors of some Hermitian 2 x 2 matrix at each point along a closed loop parameterized by parameter t. The eigenvectors are ...
TribalChief's user avatar
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Time & Space matlab discretization Finite Differences confusion

I have been trying to solve this equation and write the finite difference scheme in matlab for months, but I still am not successful. Given the KdV Equation $$\tag{1}u_{t} -6uu_x+u_{xxx}=0$$ I have ...
bc_eng's user avatar
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Good non oscilliatory derivatives for an exsisting grid

I'm calculating the entropy production of a shockwave by utilizing the equations: \begin{equation} \sigma = J'_q\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(\frac{1}{T}\right) +\frac{1}{T}\frac{4\eta}{3}\left(\...
Twm1995's user avatar
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How to compute the Eigenvalue and Eigenstates of Quantum well with Effective mass using finite difference method in Python?

I want to compute the eigenvalues and eigenstates of a quantum well with different effective masses of electron in the barrier and in the quantum well. As can be seen [1]:
celerion's user avatar
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Discrete model of cell - cell communication

I am trying to understand how cell to cell communication is studied using a discrete modelling framework. Could someone please suggest suitable references or libraries which already have ...
Natasha's user avatar
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Discretizing the viscous component in 1 - D Navier stokes compressive flow

I've been working on modelling the NS equations in order to simulate shock waves. The equations are set up on the form: \begin{equation} \frac{\partial U}{\partial t} + \frac{\partial F(U)}{\partial x}...
Twm1995's user avatar
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Dividing a continuous domain into small squares; how to perform storage and querying?

I recently had a software engineering interview and was asked a series of questions that was a bit outside of knowledge realm, and I feel like there's some scientific computing principles here (I took ...
user5965026's user avatar
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Quantify difference between two discrete 1D solutions

I have an ordinary differential equation that is solved as an initial value problem using different numerical schemes. I end up with several discrete time signals that should display a reasonably ...
Niclas's user avatar
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Procedure to convert continuous equations of motion to discrete version

Let's take a mobile robot and suppose we know its continuous equations of motion, for example this car-like simple model. Now if I am simulating this robot in a continuous 2D plane, then coding the ...
user_1_1_1's user avatar
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Discretizing Multi-species Ion Exchange Equations by Finite Volume Method

I'm solving a system of multispecies ion exchange equations (diffusion+drift fluxes) in 1-d spherical domain using finite volume method to obtain the ion concentrations at the next time step. After ...
Matt's user avatar
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Tensor product representation for the 9-point finite difference approximations for the Poisson equation

If we use 5-point finite difference approximations in a uniform rectangular grid to solve the Poisson PDE \begin{align} -\Delta u &= f \ \ \text{en} \ \ (0,1)\times (0,1) \label{P1} \\ u &= ...
TheComander's user avatar
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What is the rationale of second-order finite volume discretization?

When it comes to a second-order accurate finite volume discretization of Navier-Stokes equations, which one of the two following rationales is adopted? 1- Second-order accuracy is a direct consequence ...
Naghi's user avatar
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Why do we have to resort to Higher order schemes for solving the 1-D advection equation/ continuity equation?

\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \frac{\partial N}{\partial t} &+ \frac{\partial J}{\partial r} = 0, \\ \frac{\partial N}{\partial t} &+ \frac{\partial }{\partial r}(N \upsilon ...
Ronnie1993's user avatar
6 votes
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Projection method FVM poisson part, adding source term

The idea of the method is to decompose the Navier-Stokes equation into the solenoidal and irrotational parts. $$\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}+u(\nabla \cdot u)=-\frac{1}{\rho}\nabla p+\nabla ^2 u$$ ...
2Napasa's user avatar
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Discretization of a non-linear ODE using FDM isn't grid indepenent

I am trying to solve the ODE : $\frac{d^2T}{dx^2} = \omega_1 T+\omega_2 T^2$ + using different numerical methods. I have tried the following discretizations so far and none of them seem to be grid ...
R Surya Narayan's user avatar
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discretization of advection diffusion with variable coefficients

I am looking for help to find a somewhat stable FD numerical scheme for the advection diffusion equation posed on a curve $(x(r),y(r))$. The equation becomes $$u_t=\alpha(r) u_r +\beta(r) u_{rr}+f(r,t)...
lrs417's user avatar
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Rate of convergence - Stochastic Euler Method

The absolute error criterion of the pathwise approximation of an Ito process $X$ by an Euler approximation $Y$ is: $$ \epsilon=E\left(\left|X_{T}-Y(T)\right|\right) $$ We shall say that a time-...
David's user avatar
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Discretization of a nonlinear boundary value problem

I am trying to use finite element method to discretize the following problem \begin{align} \min_{u \in H^1_0(\Omega)} \int \| \Delta u(x) - 0.5*[u(x) + \langle e, x \rangle + 1]^3 \|^2_2 \ d\Omega, \...
enrico's user avatar
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FV Discretization of source term in 2D Poisson Equation

I am learning Finite Volume method using the textbook "An Introduction to CFD: Finite Volume Method" by Veersteg and Malalasekera. I would like to solve a heat conduction problem over a ...
justauser's user avatar
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In sights into why higher order finite differencing method leads faster to instability

I was playing around with numerically solving the 1D wave equation with density and stiffness varying with position using central differencing methods and noticed that for certain discretization steps ...
fibonatic's user avatar
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Choosing an appropriate time step for a discrete & continuous dynamics simulation

I have inherited of a flight dynamics simulation in C++ which represents a small drone with it's autopilot, actuator dynamics and a solid state IMU. Hence, it is composed of a few models, some ...
J.M's user avatar
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How to solve for underlying function from discrete data set containing integral of that function

New to Computational Science, I hope I'm on the right exchange network for this question. I have a time series data set that contains the sum of a source data set representing an exponential decay ...
jeromeResearch's user avatar
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Flux sign and face normal confusion in finite volume method

I implemented a solver for the 2D steady-state heat equation (without heat generation and homogeneous material) $\nabla. (k\nabla T) = 0$, using finite volume method, however, I am having some ...
Algo's user avatar
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FEM with elastic inhomogeneous properties leads to mesh-induced anisotropy

I'm solving an elastic homogenization problem and I'm having problems with mesh artifacts. I would like to first give a brief summary of what I do: I have a system with inhomogeneous (but isotropic) ...
rasmodius's user avatar
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Why does the naive barycentric hodgestar fail?

The discrete exterior calculus is defined first using circumcentric dual cells, because the primal and dual edges are orthogonal and thus the dual cells are convex. This leads to a diagonal hodge star ...
allo's user avatar
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The relation between PDE order and discretization order

In Jasak's Ph.D. thesis (2000), a notion is given about discretization of a transport equation: For good accuracy, it is necessary for the order of the discretization to be equal to or higher than the ...
Naghi's user avatar
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Numerical flux and source term in FVM (Burger's like equation)

I'm trying to solve the following equation with FVM $$u_t + f(u)_x = g(u)$$ where $g$ is some smooth function of $u$ and $f(u) = \frac{u^2}{2}$. This is really similar to Burger's equation, except ...
VoB's user avatar
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Solving differential equation in Python with discretized variable coefficients

I am trying to solve a differential equation with discretized variable coefficients which are calculated from a time serie. In this case the Runge-Kutta step size is fixed by the frequency in the time ...
Bouarfa Mahi's user avatar
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Can the standard multigrid performance be used for time-dependent PDEs?

Consider a time dependent pde(i.e u(x,t)).I know when only space-coarsening is used the standard multigrid performance can be applied but what if instead we use only time-coarsening?Can we apply the ...
spyros's user avatar
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Differences between Discrete Fourier Transform and Continuous Fourier Transform?

I am trying to visualize the time dependence of a free particle given an initial wave-function using Python and I just wanted to know if I could use the in built FFT implementation from NumPy to find ...
Lawrence Wang's user avatar
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FDM discretization of equation on the boundary

In order to simulate the following equation using FDM $$u_t(t,x)-u_{xx}(t,x)=0, \quad (t,x) \in (0,1)\times (0,1)$$ $$(u_t(t,x)-u_{x}(t,x))\rvert_{x=0}=0, \quad t \in (0,1)$$ $$(u_t(t,x)+u_{x}(t,x))\...
Migalobe's user avatar
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How to do Weierstrass-transform in MATLAB?

I have a diagonalization problem. I have the eigenstates correctly, and I want to do a Gaussian-smearing (Weierstrass-transform) on them. So I have the wave functions ($\Psi$), and the continuous ...
Zsombor's user avatar
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Is "Gradient Computation" in Finite Volume Discretization Really 2nd order accurate?

Based on this, pp 245, we go through these steps to discretize a gradient statement, namely $\nabla\phi$: 1- Gauss theorem reads, $$ \int_V\nabla \phi dV = \oint_{\partial V}\phi dS $$ 2- Integral ...
Naghi's user avatar
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Discretization with non-constant matrix containg entries form unknown vector

Consider a system of PDEs $$ \begin{cases} u_t = \nabla \cdot (D(u)\nabla u) + \frac{c}{K_U+c}u-ku\\ c_t = d_c\Delta c -\frac{\nu_U c}{K_U + c}u \end{cases} $$ with some boundary conditions. Here, $D(...
sequence's user avatar
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Approximation Error in a Finite Difference Approximation of the Square of Derivative

First Part: (First-order derivative) Assuming $f$ is an infinitely differential function everywhere, the Taylor series of $f(x + h)$ at $x$ is \begin{align}\tag{1} f(x + h) = f(x) + hf'(x) + \frac{1}...
hari's user avatar
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