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Nondifferentiable coordinate transforms

Suppose that we have coordinates $u=u(x,y)$ and $v=v(x,y)$ in $\mathbb{R}^2$ so that $v$ is not differentiable when $u(x,y)=u_0$ where $u_0$ is a constant. Can we solve a differential equation, such ...
tohoyn's user avatar
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Solving a 1D diffusion equation with linear and nonlinear source terms

I would like to numerically solve the following equation: $$\frac{\partial \rho (z,t)}{\partial t} = B(N_D \rho (z,t) + \rho(z,t)^2) + D \frac{\partial^2 \rho (z,t)}{\partial z^2}$$ with the boundary ...
TQM's user avatar
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Finite element method applied to 1D structural problem - what is wrong with body force?

I have quadratic finite element - shape function is quadratic. Element spans from 0 to 5. Body force is given by (in physical coordinates) $$f_b = \int_0^5 N(x)^T b(x) dx \approx \sum_{i=1}^3 N(\...
user7423098's user avatar
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Numerical integration when solving PDE: Simpsons rule and high frequency noise [closed]

I am solving a PDE, and one of the intermediate steps is to numerically integrate a function over a compact interval. The function is represented on a linearly spaced grid. I am using Simpsons rule (...
Jonathan Lindgren's user avatar