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Questions tagged [maple]

Questions about the computer algebra system Maple.

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Running algorithms in package EKHAD in Maple [closed]

The EKHAD package from the book A=B contains many effective algorithms. I want to use one of them in Maple, but I have troubles with the command read. I saved the ...
stackexchange user's user avatar
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Finding total derivative of a multivariate function in Maple

In Maple, I have a function $f(x(t),y(t),t)$ that I want to differentiate with respect to $t$. I know the command for partial derivative $\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}$,$\frac{\partial f}{\partial y}$,...
ilawid's user avatar
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Conserved current for a 1d oscillator using Maple

I found out the conserved current for harmonic oscillator with angular frequency 1, particle falling in gravity close to ground ($g=1$) using maple. I'm unable to understand the result: $$J[t](t, x(t)...
ilawid's user avatar
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How to Collect fraction in Maple 18? [closed]

Suppose I have $$f=\frac x 3+ \frac y 3 +\frac z 3$$ And I want to use collect(f, 1/3) And I wish it will displays $$f=\frac1 3(x+y+z)$$ But it doesn't work....
user516076's user avatar
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Second fundamental form - Maple

I would like to know the command/line in Maple 16 or similar to obtain the second fundamental form tensor for a given metric. I've managed to obtain Rienmann and Ricci tensor, even Weyl, but I can't ...
Mitsumako's user avatar
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Maple: patmatch does not identify patterns inside diff() operator

I understand that the function applyrule uses patmatch to identify patterns and apply transformations accordingly. Suppose, I ...
walker786's user avatar
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solution of system of coupled partial differential equations [closed]

I have following system of coupled Partial differential equations. How can I solve the system by Maple? \begin{align} m_1\frac{\partial^2 u_1}{\partial t^2}+A_1\frac{\partial ^4u_1(x,t)}{\partial x^...
HD239's user avatar
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How to deal with big numbers in intermediate calculations?

I have a rather long expression ( that is an analytical solution of a set of differential equations generated symbolically from Maple. I need to solve a set of equations ...
Chintan Pathak's user avatar
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Symbolic convex analysis toolkit for Maple

I'm looking for the SCAT (Symbolic convex analysis toolkit) for Maple written by Hamilton and Borwein. I have seen some references in the specialized literature than mention some urls. However, the ...
Tanj's user avatar
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How to increase precision of Gauss-Legendre Quadrature in MAPLE? [closed]

I've written a simple legendre quadrature in MAPLE to compute the integral $\int_{-1}^1 r^2 dr = \frac{r^3}{3} |_{-1}^1=\frac{2}{3}$ ...
ilciavo's user avatar
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Solving Time dependent Schrodinger equation using MATLAB ode45 [closed]

The Schrodinger equation for time-dependent Hamiltonian is $$i\hbar\frac{d}{dt}\psi(t) = H(t)\psi(t) \, .$$ I try to implement solve the Schrodinger equation for time-dependent Hamiltonian in ODE ...
Ka Wa Yip's user avatar
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Defining Cauchy principal value in MATLAB (or Scilab/Maple)?

How to define a variable which is an integral involving cauchy principal value inside in any computer programming language? I want to know how to break down the procedure step by step from a ...
Ka Wa Yip's user avatar
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Error norm in maple

I have the function $cos(x+t)$; the following PDEs have $cos(x+t)$ as the analytical solution of them: $$u_t = u_{xx} -\sin(x+t) + \cos(x+t) \\ u_x(0,t)=-\sin(t) \\ u_x(1,t)=-u(1,t)^4-\sin(1+t)+\cos^...
Alan's user avatar
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Looking for a matlab/maple code for plotting the truncation error

On page 18 on this text: , the graph in figure 8 on this page, how would I write a suitable code in matlab or maple that will produce ...
Alan's user avatar
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Benchmarks for Gröbner bases and polynomial system solution

In the recent question Solving system of 7 nonlinear algebraic equations symbolically, Brian Borchers experimentally confirmed that Maple can solve a polynomial system that Matlab/Mupad cannot handle. ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
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CAS Problem with integrals

I got this problem thrown at me, unfortunately I lack context at the moment but I thought Maple or Mathematica would solve it anyways. I have a function $f$ over $x$ and $y$ such as this (Maple) <...
Daniel Wedlund's user avatar
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Solving differential equations in MAPLE (ballistic curve problem) [closed]

TASK: Make a simple animation of an object shot from a catapult. Object is moving through a medium. The problem must be solved in MAPLE. NARROWING OF THE PROBLEM: 2D problem consider atmospheric ...
Venda's user avatar
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Bracket Algebra, Straightening Algorithm

My apologies if the question is simple. I need to write a code for straightening algorithm. Which includes defining bracket algebra. I tried to write it in CoCoA-5, but it wasn't possible because ...
Sepehr Jafari's user avatar
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Determine unit outward normal vector for a curve

It is necessary for me to find the unit outward normal vector for the curve: $$\gamma=(x(t),y(t)) $$ where $$x(t)=\cos(t)−0.5\cos(3t)$$ and $$y(t)=\sin(t)+\sin(7t)+\sin(3t)$$ I know how to find ...
Rosa's user avatar
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Maple stored variable to be read into Matlab

I have a a function $f(k)$ (calculated in Maple) which is huge and stored in a variable called 'sum' on my drive (with the help of 'save' command in Maple). Since the function is huge, Maple is unable ...
zynga's user avatar
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Solving a pair of high-degree polynomials in two variables with Maple

I have two algebraic equations I am trying to solve in Maple. They are: $14\,{a}^{26}{b}^{2}-91\,{a}^{24}{b}^{4}-364\,{a}^{22}{b}^{6}-1001\,{a} ^{20}{b}^{8}-2002\,{a}^{18}{b}^{10}-3003\,{a}^{16}{b}^{...
zynga's user avatar
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Open source linux Maple Worksheet Interpreter/Converter?

I bought a book where the exercises are given in Maple worksheet format (.mw). Is there an open-source software in Linux able to interpret or to convert this specific file format ?
Antonello's user avatar
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Symbolic Computations with Block Matrices in Maple

Due to the derivation of an algorithm I tried to use Maple (9.5) to calculate some block matrix expression. Unfortunately Maple seems to ignore the assumption I set on the variable. Lets consider the ...
M.K. aka Grisu's user avatar
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Explicit scheme for heat equation with Neumann boundary conditions in Maple

$\displaystyle \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}=\alpha(x,t)\cdot \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2}+b(x,t)$ $u(x,0)=f(x)$ Initial condition $u_x(0,t)=0$ 2nd type Boundary condition $u_x(1,t)=0$ 2nd ...
lolly's user avatar
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