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Developing a poisson equation solver for arbitrary input geometry and boundary conditions

I need to develop a Poisson equation solver that can take a input geometry and boundary conditions, produces a FEM mesh, generates the matrices and solve it. Problem is I want a solver that can use ...
Kutsit's user avatar
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Solving for $X$ in $\sum_{a,b} b a^T b^T X a = Y$

Suppose I have $k$ pairs of $(a,b)$ where $a$ and $b$ are vectors in $\mathbb{R}^d$, $Y$ is $d\times d$ and I need least squares solution for $X$ in the following $$\sum_{(a,b)}^k b a^T (b^T X a) = Y$...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
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Solving MX=N where M is structured as a Gaussian 4th-moment tensor

I'm looking to solve numerically the following equation for $(d,d)$ variable $X$, in Einstein summation notation $$M_{ijkl}X_{kl}=N_{ij}$$ Where $M$ is a $(d,d,d,d)$ 4th-moment tensor of random ...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
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implementation for coppersmith matrix multiplication

Is there any online implementation for the coppersmith matrix multiplication I have searched alot but can not find any? and if there is not any why is that Isn't this algotithm much faster than ...
bedo dan's user avatar