Questions tagged [matrix]

For questions about using and representing matrices on a computer in order to solve computational problems. Should generally also include a tag about the specific property/problem you are solving (e.g. [tag:linear-algebra], [tag:eigenvalues], [tag:inverse].

103 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Wanted: sequences of linear systems for recycling Krylov solver analysis

In the solution of sequences of linear systems $$A_ix_i=b_i\quad\text{for}\quad i=1,2,\dots$$ with Krylov subspace methods, data can be recycled from already solved linear systems in order to speed up ...
andrenarchy's user avatar
9 votes
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Updating matrix diagonal with Woodbury matrix identity and maintaining numerical accuracy

I have a dense matrix A and its corresponding inverse $A^{-1}$. The Woodbury matrix identity states: $$ (A + UCV)^{-1} = A^{-1} - A^{-1}U(C^{-1} + VA^{-1}U)^{-1}VA^{-1} $$ I wish to perform small ...
Costis's user avatar
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Speed and accuracy of Strassen vs Winograd matrix multiplication algorithms

I am doing work which requires as fast matrix multiplication as possible and just want to double-check with this community that the Winograd variant of Strassen's MM algorithm is the fastest practical ...
kreitz's user avatar
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Eigenvalue with largest imaginary part

Iterative eigensolvers such as ARPACK, give the option to find a subset of the eigenvalues which have the largest imaginary part. My question is how do these algorithms work. As I understand it, ...
as2457's user avatar
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What is the source of the error in the Sherman-Morrison formula application?

The Sherman-Morrison formula $$ (A+uv^T)^{-1} = A^{-1} - \frac{A^{-1}uv^TA^{-1}}{1+v^TA^{-1}u} $$ results in small errors in relation to the standard matrix inverse operation after each application, ...
rcpinto's user avatar
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Sparse matrix format and sparse-matrix sparse-matrix multiplication

I'm having some performance problems with my code dealing with the multiplication of big sparse matrices (stiffness and aerodynamic influence coefficient matrices). Mainly I have to multiply such ...
murph_sof's user avatar
7 votes
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Compute sparsity pattern of $A^2$

Suppose we have a sparse matrix $A$. Is there any way to compute just the sparsity pattern of $A^2 = A \cdot A$ (I do not actually need to know what exactly the nonzero value are) faster than to ...
vainia's user avatar
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An invertible matrix that minimizes the norm of the product with a given matrix

Given a fat matrix $B \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times m}$ (where $m > n$) with full row rank, I would like to find (numerically) a full-rank matrix $A$ that minimizes the Frobenius norm of the product $A ...
Kawhi's user avatar
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How does an unpivoted QR fail to reveal rank?

An unpivoted QR factorization produces a triangular factor $R$. A rank-revealing QR factorization is typically done with column pivoting. My question is, how does an unpivoted QR factorization fail to ...
Victor Liu's user avatar
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Lowest eigenvalues of a matrix with divergent entries

In high energy physics we oftentimes encounter the following problem. For a given parametrized matrix $\{H_{ij}(\Lambda)\}$, we know that in the limit $\Lambda\to\infty$ some of its entries become ...
mavzolej's user avatar
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Is this a legit way to sample a random matrix spectrum?

In order to undergird a theoretical model concerning many body physics, I want to have exponentially large eigenvalue spectra from the random matrix GOE ensemble. its properties are mainly (i) a ...
Peter Sanctus's user avatar
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Efficient way to find eigenvalues of complex symmetric matrix with real off-diagonal elements

My goal is to find all eigenvalues (and eigenvectors) in a given range of magnitudes of a complex symmetric matrix with real off-diagonal elements (only diagonal elements are complex). Currently I'm ...
QNA's user avatar
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Polynomial rooting - fast root finding

I need to solve a rooting problem of a polynomial (the order of which is 2(N-1), where N=48). So far I'm using Python Numpy algorithm (that relies on computing the eigenvalues of the companion matrix)...
Luca R's user avatar
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Optimisation of matrix exponential

I have a 7000x7000 sparse matrix (scipy), which I want to exponentiate. I've tried using scipy.sparse.linalg.expm, which works quite well for smaller matrices (takes a few seconds for a 1000x1000 ...
ferros's user avatar
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Generating pseudo-random orthonormal bases for random projection

I am performing series of random projections i.e. projecting the input matrix onto randomly generated orthonormal bases (of much lower dimensionality). The projection is just a matrix multiplication ...
Adam's user avatar
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Perron-Frobenius theorem on general real symmetric matrices

From the Perron-Frobenius theorem, it might be concluded that the spectral radius is the largest eigenvalue for positive matrices, ie, matrices with strictly positive entries. In other words, the ...
usero's user avatar
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Probabilistic algorithms for matrix approximation

Considering regular matrix approximation inequality || $A - QQ^TA $|| < e where we try to approximate matrix $A$ by a lower rank orthonormal matrix $Q$. I've read an article on probabilistic ...
ahmethungari's user avatar
4 votes
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Fastest matrix library for Android (with GPU is possible)

I was working on an Android app that requires some linear algebra with matrices. The matrices will be somewhat medium-sized as they are not too small or too big. I was originally using jBlas because ...
Aditya Mangalampalli's user avatar
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What algorithm do BLAS and ATLAS use for matrix multiplication?

I have searched and what I understood was that they use the naive one with several memory and cache optimizations. However, I wanted to know whether they are using the Strassen or the Coppersmith-...
bedo dan's user avatar
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Block matrix and DSYRK

I want to compute the matrix $$ A = \sum_{i=1}^N v_i v_i^T $$ where each $v_i$ is a given vector of length $2500$, so that $A$ is $2500 \times 2500$, and my $N$ is about 2 million. Rather than call ...
vibe's user avatar
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How to stochastically estimate the trace of a matrix?

Specifically, the diagonal elements (can possibly both positive and negative) of the matrix can be computed efficiently but the total number is large ($\mathcal O(10^{18})$). My first thought about ...
Izzy Vang's user avatar
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Fixing a near singular covariance matrix

Given a near singular covariance matrix, the standard method of 'fixing' it seems to be to add a small damping coefficient $c>0$ to the diagonal, which serves to bump all the eigenvalues up by this ...
Set's user avatar
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Alternative to (costly) matrix multiplication

Consider the integral $$2\pi T = -\frac{1}{2} \int_0^{2\pi} A\frac{\partial B}{\partial \xi} \ d\xi$$ where $$A= \sum_{-N}^N i \ sign(n) \ B_n e^{-in\xi}; \quad \quad B= \sum_{-N}^N \ B_n e^{-in\xi}...
Nick P's user avatar
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How big a matrix can we row reduce in reasonable time?

I have very large matrices that I would like to row reduce (I need to keep track of the steps and find a basis of the kernel/image, not just find the rank). The good news is that I work mod 2 and the ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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Tracking for two meshes

I'm dealing with physical simulation (position based dynamic). Now I'm trying to realize tracking for two meshes. In order to explain what does it mean, let's assume that we have two similar meshes: ...
Stepan Loginov's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the fastest algorithm for computing log determinant of a PSD matrix? (All possible PSD matrices)

I am diving into some literature to understand which is the best algorithm for computing the log-determinant of a PSD matrix. More generally, I am interested in a list of resources to read, which ...
asdf's user avatar
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Computing Small Eigenvalues with Sparse Symmetric Indefinite Mass Matrix

I want the eigenvalues of the following generalized eigenvalue problem: $$ Av = \lambda M v $$ where $A\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ is sparse, symmetric, and positive semi-definite $M\in\mathbb{R}^{n\...
user3658307's user avatar
3 votes
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Reweighted least squares factorization

This is a continuation of the question asked here. I want to solve numerous least squares systems of the form $$ D_i A x \approx D_i b $$ where $D_i$ are $m \times m$ diagonal matrices with positive ...
vibe's user avatar
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Acceleration of matrix geometric series

Suppose we want to find $x$ such that: $$x=b+Ax$$ where $A$ is a large sparse square matrix with eigenvalues in the unit circle. There are two representations of the solution: 1) $$x=(I-A)^{-1}b,$$...
cfp's user avatar
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Backward stable algorithm to get orthogonal projection onto the column space of a matrix

I have to find the orthogonal projection of a vector $b$ onto the matrix $A$ of size $m \times n$. In my application, I don't have the luxury of calculating the QR factorization. All I have are ...
Abhay Gupta's user avatar
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Dominant contributions of a quadratic form

Let $\Sigma$ be a covariance matrix (e.g. symmetric positive definite). For arbitrary vectors $\epsilon$, I need to compute $\chi^2 \equiv \epsilon^\top\Sigma^{-1}\epsilon$, which I do using a ...
yannick's user avatar
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Matrix completion when the eigenvectors are a tensor product?

Suppose we have incomplete observations of the square matrix $X$. Most matrix completion algorithms assume the matrix is low-rank. What if instead we assume the matrix of eigenvectors is a tensor ...
David P's user avatar
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SVD computation with "initial guess"

Suppose I have some matrix A whose SVD I know. Now, I am given B which is A plus some small ...
olamundo's user avatar
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On solution of a class of discrete-time Lyapunov equation for systems with multiplicaitve noise

Let's consider the following equation $$X=F_{1}XF_{1}^{T}+...+F_{p}XF_{p}^{T}+C$$ where $p$ is an positive integer and $C$ is a known positive semidefinite matrix. If we augment $F=[F_{1}...F_{p}]$ ...
eolithr's user avatar
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How to accurately decompose positive semidefinite matrix and use the lower triangular part in linear equations

I have $n$ arbitrary $p\times 1$ vectors $x_i$, and $p\times k$ matrices $A_i$, and $n$ $p \times p$ positive semidefinite matrices $S_i$, where some (often most) of the $S_i$'s are same (for example ...
Jouni's user avatar
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Efficient Algorithm for LU-Factorization of Modified Matrix with Last Column Alteration If We Have Its Not-Modified LU-Factorization

Suppose that we have a $n\times n$ matrix $A$. We have its LU-factorization as $A=LU$ (or $PA=LU$ that $P$ is a permutation matrix). Now assume we change the last column of matrix $A$ and denote the ...
Ferran Gonzalez's user avatar
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Complex matrix logarithm discontinuity by solving inverse Fourier integral by alternative method to FFT

NOTE: This code is a piece of code I am using for a master's thesis, so I do not expect someone to do the work for me, but I gladly accept suggestions of any kind. However, I am trying to get the ...
SimoPape's user avatar
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When is Lanczos tridiagonalization accurate?

Suppose that we are given a random, symmetric matrix $A$, and a random vector $q$. For concreteness, assume the dimensions of $q$ and $A$ are both $1,000$. I would like to use the Lanczos algorithm to ...
miggle's user avatar
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Is there a permutation used in sparse QR factorizations that better locates small elements on the diagonal of R?

Is there a permutation used in sparse QR factorizations that better locates small elements on the diagonal of R to the end of the diagonal? As an example, consider the following snippet of MATLAB ...
wyer33's user avatar
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Jacobian matrix cutoff in ODE solver

I am studying an implementation of a 3rd semi-implicit Runge Kutta method (siRK3) from the book by Villadsen & Michelsen (1978), Solution of differential equation models by polynomial ...
IPribec's user avatar
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How to solve this boundary value problem which has more unknown than equation on MATLAB

I need your helps about solving the problem below with MATLAB. I am trying to solve 2D Stress Wave Propagation problem by using FDTD(Finite difference time domain) method on the cylindrical coord. I ...
Mechasteel's user avatar
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If dot product is commutative, why does MATLAB give different answers?

Why does the dot() function in MATLAB return different expressions based on the order in which I pass vectors?
iceburger's user avatar
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Random Orthogonal Matrix Generation

This post is inspired by N. Higham post "What is Random Orthogonal matrix?". In this post, N. Higham links to the two papers: G. W. Stewart, The efficient generation of random orthogonal matrices ...
Anton Menshov's user avatar
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How to determine the finite difference coefficient matrix in 2D with periodic BC?

I'm solving a PDE in matlab using ode15s, and since the spatial dimension is 2, and number of variables grow large very quickly, I need to supply the structure of ...
Physicist's user avatar
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Lexicographically order matrix into a vector

I am trying to implement the algorithm contained in this article here. It is about solving a 2 and 2.5D Fredholm integral, focused on bidimensional NMR experiments. I've made significant progress, ...
K.Cl's user avatar
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Inverses of many standard subspaces of one large matrix

i have a large rectangular invertible matrix M (about 5000x5000) and i have a loop in which i do the following for each iteration i (there are about 6000 iterations): i am given a subspace S_i (which ...
bshanks's user avatar
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Minimize number of math operation of a specific matrix vector multiplication?

Let's say we have a Matrix M and a column vector v like below multiply equals Assume we can only perform multiplication, addition and substraction operation. With normal approach we need 3 ...
worldterminator's user avatar
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Best way of porting code from the GPU to MPI-nodes

I have a program, structured in two parts, $A$ and $B$. Both parts are capable of running as standalone units, and written in C++. $A$ is written for cluster systems, running entirely on CPU-nodes, ...
arc_lupus's user avatar
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Randomized Submatrix of a Sparse Matrix

I have a sparse square matrix $A$ with size $n \times n$ and number of nonzero entries $nnz$. The goal is making a sub-matrix $B$ with $s$ nonzeros which are randomly chosen from $A$. Duplicates are ...
Abaris's user avatar
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finding null space to a complex matrix

I need to solve the following equation: $$ \begin{pmatrix} \frac{\omega^2}{c^2}\varepsilon_x-\mu_z^{-1}k_y^2-\mu_y^{-1}k_z^2 & \mu_z^{-1}k_xk_y & \mu_y^{-1}k_xk_z\\ \mu_z^{-1}k_xk_y &\...
Physicist's user avatar
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