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Questions tagged [operator-splitting]

For questions on methods for solving partial differential equations by decomposition of a continuous or discrete operator into two or more separate operators.

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Implicit-Explicit Operator Splitting Scheme

I am trying to solve the 2D advection-diffusion equation in cylindrical coordinates: $$ \frac{\partial c}{\partial t} = D\left(\frac{\partial^2 c}{\partial r^2} + \frac{1}{r}\frac{\partial c}{\partial ...
mht's user avatar
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Crank-Nicolson vs Spectral Methods for the TDSE

The time-dependent Schroedinger equation (TDSE) depends linearly on the system's initial state $\vert \psi(0) \rangle$, such that the solution can be generally written as $$ \vert \psi(t) \rangle = \...
QuantumBrick's user avatar
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schrodinger eq time propagation with dissipation using split step operator

I am looking in ways to include energy dissipation while propagating a coherent wavepacket in a 1d TDSE. for example I use the split step method: exp[Δt(D+V)]≈exp[ΔtV/2]exp[ΔtD]exp[ΔtV/2], and ...
yourds's user avatar
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How does the error work for the Strang Splitting?

We know in Strang splitting that the splitting error in the steady state solution is proportional to $h^2$. I want ask 2 things: If this error in the steady state solution is the global error? If we ...
Giannis Kavroulakis's user avatar
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What is temporal order of accuracy of the PISO algorithm?

A few Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes implement the so called PISO (Pressure-Implicit with Splitting of Operators) algorithm for pressure-velocity coupling. My concern is what is actual ...
Johntra Volta's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I apply BDF2 in a STRANG splitting

I have a 3D diffusion equation that I want to solve using a time splitting (2D+1D). Assume that $A$ is the 2D discrete diffusion operator and $B$ is the 1D discrete diffusion operator. I want to use a ...
Chack.Flack's user avatar
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Operator splitting to solve time dependent Schrödinger equation

I encountered the split operator method to solve the time dependent Schrödinger equation during a lecture. I understand the method on a theoretical basis (I think at least), but I'm struggling to ...
Sito's user avatar
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Split-step Fourier method applied on Schrodinger equation

I'm trying to solve a Schrodinger equation of the form $i\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\psi=-\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2}\psi + (V(x)+\alpha|\psi|^2)\psi$ using the split-step Fourier method ...
decarat's user avatar
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Should I expect computational gains using a second-order splitting method here?

I am trying to solve a three-dimensional baroclinic transport problem. The hydrodynamic (three-dimensional shallow water) equations are: \begin{align} \nabla \cdot \vec{v} = 0, \tag{1} \\ \frac{\...
A. B. Marnie's user avatar
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General questions regarding stability for time-integration of operator-split PDE systems

I am interested in solving ODE systems of the form \begin{align} \frac{\partial \vec{u}}{\partial t} = F(\vec{u}) \end{align} where $F$ is a nonlinear operator, $\vec{u}$ is a vector valued function ...
A. B. Marnie's user avatar
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Operator splitting for 4 subproblems

Typically an ODE System which involves 2 different physical problems such as diffusion and advection can be numerically approached by the well known Strang operator splitting scheme. I'm wondering if ...
OD IUM's user avatar
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Split-step-method for coupled equations

I have implemented a split-step-method for an equation of the shape $$\partial_z E = i\partial_x^2E+ic|E|^2E$$ resulting in a split into the linear part $$L=\partial_x^2$$ and the nonlinear part $$N=...
arc_lupus's user avatar
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How to formulate Poisson's equation into flux eqution

I have a small 2D system I'm trying to model using a non-linear extension of Darcy's law for fluid flow in porous media. I'm primarily interested in the local flow velocity, not necessarily the ...
cbcoutinho's user avatar
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Stability of dark solitons in a harmonic trap

This question is based upon a research article which I am trying to reproduce. One of the main result of this paper is the condition on transverse confinement of the Bose-Einstein Condensate(BEC) to ...
Abhijit's user avatar
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Growing error from a smooth initial condition for Fisher KPP equation

I'm studying the Fisker-KPP equation on the line (and in $]0, 100[$ numerically): $$ \partial_t u = \Delta_{xx} u + u(1-u) $$ I notice a behavior I don't understand with a smooth initial condition $...
bela83's user avatar
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2 answers

Trotter expansions in ode solver?

Trotter expansions say: $$ e^{A+B} = \lim_{P\to\infty} \big(e^{A/2P} e^{B/P} e^{A/2P} \big)^P. $$ With $P = 2$, it becomes (with high accuracy) $$ e^{A/4} e^{B/2} e^{A/2} e^{B/2} e^{A/4}. $$ Let's ...
Ka Wa Yip's user avatar
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Split operator method

I am new to the field of computational physics and have a couple of questions regarding solving the non-linear Schrödinger equation using Operator splitting. 1) If the hamiltonian is of the form $H=\...
Abhijit's user avatar
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Accuracy between ill-conditioned matrix-free vs. matrix-based operators

As far as I know, precision errors become larger as the condition number of a matrix increases. Consider a matrix-based operator: $$A = \nabla \bullet k \nabla $$ And a matrix-free operator: $$\...
Charles's user avatar
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Direction-splitting for SSP-RK schemes

What are the implications of applying a direction-splitting within each stage of an SSP-RK scheme? For instance, given a standard advective transport type equation: $$ \partial_{t}Q + \operatorname{...
Darren Engwirda's user avatar
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High order time splitting methods

There are lots of higher order time splitting method as shown by the list with real and complex coefficients $a_i, b_i, c_i$: $$ [e^{c_s \Delta t \hat C}] e^{b_s \Delta t \hat B} e^{a_s \Delta t \...
unsym's user avatar
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Strang splitting

I have recently come across the Strang splitting and have some questions. For the differential equation of the form $$ dy/dt = (L_1 + L_2)y$$ Strang splitting implement the time splitting as $$ \...
unsym's user avatar
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Convergence conditions of a stationary iteration method for linear systems

Recently, I obtain a linear system, $Ax = b$, where $A$ is a nonsingular, strictly diagonally dominant $M$-matrix. Then I also got a matrix splitting $A = S - T$, where $S$ is also a nonsingular, ...
Hsien-Ming Ku's user avatar
5 votes
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Evolving nonlinear Schrodinger equation with higher-order algorithms?

First I will give the relevant information for my question, and then I'll ask the question. $\large{\textrm{Background}}$ For evolving the nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLS), one typically uses [a ...
Arturo don Juan's user avatar
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Stability in discretization of a PDE

Suppose I want to numerically solve for $f(x,k)$ the one-dimensional Boltzmann equation for electrons in steady-state condition, given as: \begin{equation} \left( \dfrac{\hbar k}{m} \right) \dfrac{\...
Maziar Noei's user avatar
7 votes
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Fourth order IMEX Runge-Kutta method

I am looking for the Butcher tableau of a fourth order accurate Runge-Kutta method with IMEX splitting. I have been reading the ''classical'' paper on the subject by Ascher, Ruuth and Spiteri as well ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Segregated solving of a tightly coupled system of PDEs

To compute the evolution of a free surface between two incompressible, immiscible liquids, two tightly coupled equations have to be solved, the volume fraction advection and the Navier-Stokes ...
akid's user avatar
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Derivation of a Higher Order Compact Alternating Direction Implicit Method

I dont understand how this Higher Order Compact ADI scheme, which is fourth order in time and space, for the wave equation is derived: I go through the following Using Tylor's expansion $u(t+h,x,y)$ ...
Yahya's user avatar
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Operator Splitting methods for DAEs

After doing some research, I've found that most of the literature on operator splitting methods (e.g. Strang Splitting, Fractional Step, etc.) are specifically designed for a standard problem type of ...
Paul's user avatar
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Iterative Block Matrix Splitting for Multiphysics Simulation

I have a problem of the form $$\left[\begin{array}{cc} -(\lambda+2\mu)\frac{d^2}{dx^2} & \alpha\frac{d}{dx} \\ \frac{\alpha}{\Delta t}\frac{d}{dx} & \frac{c_0}{\Delta t}I-\frac{\kappa}{\...
Paul's user avatar
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9 votes
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Optimal use of Strang splitting (for reaction diffusion equation)

I made a strange observation while computing the solution to a simple 1D reaction diffusion equation: $\frac{\partial}{\partial t}a=\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2}a-ab$ $\frac{\partial}{\...
Thomas Klimpel's user avatar
17 votes
5 answers

Are there operator splitting approaches for multiphysics PDEs that achieve high order convergence?

Given an evolution PDE $$u_t = Au + Bu$$ where $A,B$ are (possibly nonlinear) differential operators that don't commute, a common numerical approach is to alternate between solving $$u_t = Au$$ ...
David Ketcheson's user avatar