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Questions tagged [paraview]

Paraview is an open source scientific visualization application which can import, read, analyse and post-process a wide range of file types.

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Diplay smooth functions in paraview

I am working on an interpolation problem with a domain in R^2 and values in R. Essentially, I have a rectilinear grid with target values for each point. I have fitted a function against these values, ...
hfhc2's user avatar
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How can I make the color range symmetric around zero in Paraview?

I often use diverging colormaps (like the Paraview default "cool-to-warm") with a color range that is symmetric around zero, e.g. to visualize areas of tensile (red) and compressive (blue) ...
pimpom's user avatar
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snappyHexMesh not meshing correct region

I created a simple model of cylindrical container to perform heat transfer simulation using FreeCAD for CAD modelling. I exported the model in stl format along with domain boundaries and faces. I have ...
ArbitraryConstant's user avatar
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How to draw a vertical line in Paraview Line Chart

I would like to insert a series of vertical lines to divide up a line chart. The figure below shows the chart so far, but instead of the orange diamonds I want vertical lines that go from top to ...
BenG's user avatar
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deal.ii - ParaView "warp by scalar" of my output is not continuous

During our finite element course, we've solved the linear elasticity problem in 2D on a square (GridGenerator::hyper_cube) with $Q_1$ bilinear finite elements in ...
FEGirl's user avatar
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Plot scalar and vectorial solution constant on each CELL=square in paraview/vtk

I have the velocity (vector) and pressure (scalar). This solution is constant in each CELL (square) of the mesh. I don't know why does not appear the pressure information when I open the file in ...
yemino's user avatar
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Plot a function (constant on each square=CELL) in paraview using vtk file

I'm trying to plot the solution of a numerical method using a vtk file in paraview. The structure is very simple, and I going to explain with an example. I have a mesh of the unit square [0,1]x[0,1] ...
yemino's user avatar
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Vector format export for screenshots

How to best export Scene/Screenshot in Paraview as a vector graphic? It seems PDF and PS export are not working really good for me (Paraview 5.3/5.5/5.8), either the scene is cropped at the borders or ...
stephanmg's user avatar
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Save font selection for plots in Paraview

I adjusted plotting fonts in a Paraview scene, saved as .pvsm file, and loaded it in a different Paraview version. The fonts changed. Can this be avoided? Also ...
stephanmg's user avatar
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2 answers

Convert seconds [s] to milliseconds [ms] in Paraview "Plot Selection over Time"

After composing my Paraview scene, I realised that I need to represent the units in a "Plot Selection Over Time" filter instead of seconds in milliseconds. How can one accomplish this?
stephanmg's user avatar
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Region of interest in Paraview

I am struggling with this: In a render view in Paraview, is it possible to draw a square or rectangle around the region of interest and have this as a close up render view in another window then being ...
stephanmg's user avatar
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How to calculate the average velocity over a surface through time using paraview?

My problem is a little more complex, but here is a simplified similar model. Let us consider a fire source inside a box and the hot gases (burnt or unburnt) from the combustion are going out of the ...
Emotional Damage's user avatar
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Getting streamline for a lid driven cavity flow in openFoam/ParaView

I have installed openFoam on Debian GNU/Linux and learning from official user guide. I have a problem with generating streamlines. I am trying to generate streamlines as explained in the post ...
Pandya's user avatar
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Stress visualization for structured and unstrcutured mesh

I put together a FEM solver to do some structural analysis. At the moment I am trying to add stress visualization feature to my code. The post-processing is done with Paraview and the results with ...
Dude's user avatar
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Why wall shear stress calculated from LBM directly and the one calculated based on velocity profile are so different in some cases?

First of all, I hope you accept my apologizes if my question seems off topic here. But, I asked this question in ParaView forum and after a week still I did not receive any response yet, so I'm ...
Mithridates the Great's user avatar
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Get interpolated values in user defined 2D grid Paraview

I have a 2D flow and would like to obtain the value of certain scalar field in a set of points forming a regular mesh. These points should not coincide with the nodes of the actual mesh used in the ...
Mario Lino Valencia's user avatar
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3D log density plot in ParaView

I have a .csv file of thousands of (x,y,z) point particles that I would like to visualize in ParaView. I am able to plot a 3D scatterplot using the TableToPoints, and by decreasing point opacity I can ...
paraviewuser's user avatar
3 votes
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Electromagnetism FEM (FEniCS) interpolation - leakage effect

As for the background of what is going on: I'm using FEniCS that is dedicated FEM solver The problem I'm solving is magnetostatic problem where the governing PDE is $$ \bf{\nabla} \times \frac{1}{\mu}...
antagim's user avatar
  • 41
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Properly sizing ParaView plots for LaTeX [closed]

I would like to make a visualization with ParaView for a paper. In order to have a high quality look, I would like the image to be, say, 300 dpi (or vector graphics). Moreover, since I know the column ...
sigvaldm's user avatar
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Visualization of 3D streamlines in ParaView

Essentially I want to use paraview to recreate a flow visualization like the one shown in the picture above. I am able to create the 3d flow lines using a pipeline that looks like ...
Takoda's user avatar
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Computing a Flux Integral in Paraview

I am currently looking into post-processing of simulation data using Paraview. I would like to compute certain integrals of field quantities. As an example, consider the following surface integral of ...
Mantabit's user avatar
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2 answers

Loading VTK tetrahedron volumes into ParaView

I want to see tetrahedron volumes generated from STL meshes in ParaView (5.5.2). From a given STL (simple cube, for example), I can generate a volume mesh using gmsh, and export it as .vtk ...
Ander Biguri's user avatar
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Showing date in Paraview's Annotate Time Filter

I have a time dependent data set where each frame corresponds to a certain date. I need to show the time annotation, much like what Annotate Time Filter does, but show the date instead of time as a ...
teekarna's user avatar
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Recreating this 3D density plot in ParaView

I want to do somethings similar to the plot found at the bottom of this blogpost, which I found via this post in ParaView, which seems to have been the original Application used to generate the plot. ...
HerpDerpington's user avatar
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C++ library unstructured mesh writer to VTK format (or similar)

I am working on a 2D unstructured code in C++. I am using gmsh to generate a 2D unstructured mesh and reading it into my program with a library called ...
EssentialAnonymity's user avatar
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Code to output VTK point data from decomposed domain for Paraview [closed]

I am developing a parallel 2D CFD code in C++ using PETSc and would like to use it as an opportunity to learn about VTK/Paraview. Right now, I have each processor output an ASCII file for the portion ...
EssentialAnonymity's user avatar
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Reconstruction of cells information when given mesh in polyMesh format [duplicate]

The polyMesh format used in OpenFOAM is an intelligent format for which 'cells' file, i.e. the file giving list of nodes that make a cell, is not needed. The way to reconstruct geometry data such as ...
Johntra Volta's user avatar
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Volume rendering 3D VTK *.vtu UnstructuredGrid file in Paraview

I would like to volumetrically render 3D scalar data in Paraview, and I'm not sure if my inability to do so is incorrect usage of VTK or Paraview. I have built a *.vtu VTK unstructured grid file ...
user3482876's user avatar
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3D visualization of the results of a 2D simulation in COMSOL

Considering that COMSOL forum is dead and CFD-online is not responsive, I'm gonna try asking my question here: I have done a 2D simulation in COMSOL multiphysics. I have two independent variables x ...
Foad's user avatar
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Color legend location in eps files, exported from paraview v5.4 [closed]

I am getting this strange error with paraview 5.4. For example, if I load one of the example visualisations: and if I export it as eps or pdf, then the color legend is place in the bottom left ...
Terry's user avatar
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Viewing HDG FEM edge variables in vtk / paraview

For a 2D HDG code, I would like to be able to visualize the solution on the edge space between elements. Basically, this amounts to plotting the solution on the "green" nodes below. Is there a ...
user3482876's user avatar
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Rescaling x-axis data in Paraview

I am working with VTK legacy files containing vector information. The files have incremental extension representing a file series as defined by this link. When applying the filter "Plot Selection ...
user32882's user avatar
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15 noded triangular elements in paraview

I am modelling a soil medium in plane strain and would like to determine if paraview supports the 15-noded triangular element as shown on this link. On the documentation I am only seeing elements up ...
user32882's user avatar
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Generate paraview plot of an ensight .case without launching the paraview gui

Disclaimer : This question is related to computational science, but it is a purely a post-processing question so if this is on the wrong board, please tell me I would like to postprocess simulation ...
BlaB's user avatar
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Regarding solution vector of the wave equation

I am simulating the wave equation using FEM. For a 2D wave equation, when I visualise my output in Paraview, I see a separate solution in 'x' and 'y' direction for each node on the mesh. Therefore, if ...
CRG's user avatar
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"Elevation" plot of a 2D plot - paraview vtk

I have a usual vtk file with a mesh of triangles and a scalar velocity. I want to obtain this type of plots: something like an "elevation", but in paraview I just had obtained plane plots like How ...
yemino's user avatar
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Using physical parameter as a Gaussian random variable in a simple Poisson problem

I want to vary the input parameter of a physical dynamic mechanics problem, as a Gaussian Random variable and view the resulting Probability Density Function (PDF). I used the Finite Element Method to ...
CRG's user avatar
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How to plot selection over time for only components, but not magnitute. of a vector in paraview?

I am doing a time evolution analysis for a structure and have already got the displacement result, which is a vector including x and y components. And I want to plot the time evolution of x and y ...
user123's user avatar
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Paraview: Multiple csv files to time series

I have multiple CSV files with point-coordinates and, possibly, multiple data values attached to them, i.e., the rows look like x y z data1 data2 ... Is there ...
fpnick's user avatar
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3D animation of a vector field (ParaView) [duplicate]

I am trying to create an animation of a 3d vector field in ParaView. All my data is in three matrices (201 x 201 x 201) corresponding to vectors components in x,y,z directions. And it's calculated in ...
Fryderyk's user avatar
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Visualizing the difference of two sets of VTK files

I have two sets of 300 VTK files and I want to get a graph comparing the average difference of the two sets. All files have a structured grid containing a scalar value named phi. At the end, I need a ...
IPA's user avatar
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VTK File: How do I save data on a cell face?

I am writing a program that creates a vtk file with a Rectilinear Grid. I am able to save data to each one of the cells using CELL_DATA, but now, I need to save data to each one of the cell faces (x6)....
Victor's user avatar
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Unwrap cylinder to plane in Paraview

I want to extract the data from the boundary surface of a cylinder (in a .vtu file) and plot it onto a plane, where the coordinates are theta (rotation angle) and Z(...
SAAD's user avatar
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6 votes
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Using numpy arrays in Paraview programmable filter

How can I access a field in Paraview's programmable filter as a numpy array? I want to: Import an existing field as a numpy array Create a similar array for output Register it as a new field for ...
teekarna's user avatar
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5 votes
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Python scripting in Paraview

I've been using the basic visualization features of Paraview. Now, I want to go further by writing python macros to handle some specific tasks. My question for the advanced users: Are there any ...
SAAD's user avatar
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Binary vs. ASCII file size

I need to write some data from a computation, that will be read later by Paraview (.vtu or vtk file). When it comes to file size , should I go for the ASCII format or the Binary format ?
SAAD's user avatar
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