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1 answer

Generate a set of random x,y,z numbers, with a minimum difference between them, between defined limits

So I am trying a molecular dynamics simulation, and trying to populate a 3D rectangular volume with random particles which are uniformly distributed throughout the volume. Each molecule has a fixed ...
Ayush Agrawal's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How do I reliably generate random numbers in Python distributed across multiple nodes?

Consider the following scenario: I want to perform a large Monte Carlo simulation across a compute cluster with several nodes. To avoid excessive transmission of data, I am going to generate random ...
Thomas Arildsen's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Parallel Mersenne Twister for Monte Carlo

Recently, I came across a comment claiming that almost all researchers doing Monte Carlo methods are doing it wrong. It went on to elaborate that merely choosing different seeds for different ...
Jonas Greitemann's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Multiple independent random number streams

Having multiple streams of pseudo-random numbers known to be independent and with a uniform distribution I want to do Monte Carlo simulations in parallel. In other words, one thread will have a full-...
mrei's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

How can I seed a parallel linear congruential pseudo-random number generator for maximal period?

Normally when I seed a sequential random number generator in C, I use the call srand(time(NULL)) then use rand() mod N ...
Paul's user avatar
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