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Questions tagged [svd]

Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a decomposition (factorization) of rectangular real or complex matrix into the product of a unitary rotation matrix, a diagonal scaling matrix, and a second unitary rotation matrix.

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Understanding this code to truncate the SVD

In Brunton's and Kutz's data-driven science and engineering book, page $19$, is a description of one way to truncate the SVD of a given matrix I want to understand what the code for the variable <...
KZ-Spectra's user avatar
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SVD decomposition and the update problem of matrix differential equations

For a matrix $Y(t) \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}$, its rank-r approximation could be represented in a factorized SVD-like form. $$ Y(t) = U(t) S(t) V^T(t), $$ where $U^{T}U = I_m$, $V^{T}V = I_n$ and $S ...
Owen Jun's user avatar
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Computing smallest singular value of a matrix with explicit error control?

[Also posted here:] Many good algorithms are out there computing truncated SVD: I am trying to implement some codes to find the ...
Ma Joad's user avatar
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13 votes
8 answers

Real-world applications of eigendecomposition?

Cross-posted on Math.SE Are there real-world applications that call specifically for eigenvalues rather than singular values? I often see eigendecomposition used as "poor-man's SVD" For ...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
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accuracy problem for a null space calculation on a sparse rectangular matrix

I have been using the QR-based approach on this link to find the null space of rectangular matrices, and possibly sparse matrices, that emerge as a result of some coupling conditions of different ...
Umut Tabak's user avatar
9 votes
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Why is it that SVD routines on nearly square matrices run significantly faster than if the matrix was highly non square?

In Python / Matlab, if you run a routine for SVD on a significantly non-square matrix, X, such as X.shape = (2,15000) you will ...
tisPrimeTime's user avatar
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Computation of SVD of well-conditioned matrix takes more time than ill-conditioned matrix [closed]

I'm testing libraries for numerical computing and time they take to calculate SVD. During testing I encountered an issue for which I don't have an answer. I generated 2 matrices: random tall matrix ...
Intech's user avatar
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Why are all eigen solvers iterative?

I have small dense square matrices for which I would like to compute the inverse by singular value decomposition, or equivalently solve the eigenvalue problem. While there are many direct methods for ...
Aurelius's user avatar
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Why is matrix inversion unstable when svd is stable?

I've heard that matrix is inversion is unstable whereas the SVD is stable. Now, if $A$ is an invertible matrix, then its SVD is $$ A = USV^T $$ Then wouldn't it's inverse just be $$ A^{-1} = (USV^T)^{...
NNN's user avatar
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SVD testing non zero values

I was looking at the matlab function pinv.m for the compuation of the pseudoinverse. The code uses the singular values decomposition. $$ A = U D V $$ When looking for non-zero diagonal elements it ...
pinpon's user avatar
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My Complex Matrix SVD is Correct according to rule A = USV' but Wrong according to Matlab or any linear algebra library

I am working on Singular Value Decomposition for complex matrices. I implemented One Sided Jacobi algorithm. It gives exactly the same result as the svd function in Matlab for the real matrices. ...
Emir evcil's user avatar
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Generate polynomial basis through a sequence of SVD

I need help to understand how to use the result given by an algorithm for constructing an orthonormal polynomial basis over $L^{2}(X)$, where $X\subset\mathbb{R}^2$, with respect to the inner product $...
Raibyo's user avatar
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Solving linear system and obtaining operator norm

I need to solve a linear system of the form $(\mathrm{Id} + \mathbf{J})\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b}$ for $\mathbf{x}$ and I also need to compute the operator norm of $\mathbf{J}$ (i.e. the largest singular ...
5d41402abc4's user avatar
2 votes
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Calculate determinant of unitary matrices based on SVD implementation

I have a real square matrix $X$ which I need to perform a Singular Value Decomposition on. Now, performing the operation $$ X = USV^T $$ as $U$ and $V$ are orthogonal, we know that $\det(X)=\pm\det(S)$...
cheetah's user avatar
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Given a symmetric matrix, is it ok to apply Cholesky decomposition to see if it has negative eigenvalues?

I intend to check the diagonal of L, where A = L'L, for negative elements. However, I don't know if Cholesky is meaningful in theoretical / computational sense if there are some negative eigenvalues.
James's user avatar
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11 votes
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How to compute Singular value decomposition of a large matrix with Python

Language: Python3 Problem: I have a matrix Q of shape [51200 rows x 51200 cols] stored in a binary file, each of the element in this matrix has a data type of complex64. To load the data into memory I ...
SAM's user avatar
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Asymptotic complexity of fixed-rank SVD

According to the Wikipedia article on Singular Value Decomposition, the asymptotic complexity of computing the SVD of an arbitrary m×n matrix M with m>n by the popular Householder QR methods is O(...
mana's user avatar
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updating the matrix Adjugate/Cofactor

I would like to calculate the Adjugate matrix of a given matrix $A$, and its updates in the diagonal: $B=A-\lambda I$, where $I$ is the identity matrix, $\lambda$ is a scalar. To this end, I am using ...
user2393987's user avatar
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Formula for overdetermined logical matrix pseudoinverse not requiring SVD?

In, you will find a formula-based solution for an overdetermined logical matrix pseudoinverse. This simple formula gives the same result as the ...
Youvan's user avatar
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Rank of a double-precision augmented matrix

Let $A$ be a matrix with real entries, and let $A_+$ be $A$ augmented by a single column. From linear algebra we know \begin{equation} \operatorname{rank}(A_+) = \operatorname{rank}(A) \hspace{10pt} ...
Glenn Davis's user avatar
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Computing Singular Value Decomposition of small ($4\times 4$) matrices

I need to compute the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of many $4 \times 4$ matrices. I'm looking for SVD algorithms specialized for small matrices. I've read that the ...
mana's user avatar
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Explanation of Givens rotation in Jacobi Rotation SVD

I'm trying to implement Singular Value Decomposition (homework of sorts) via the Jacobi Rotation method (more info here, pages 11 and 12). I am stuck at the bullet saying (sorry for the picture, but I'...
cyau's user avatar
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Scaling/Performance of Matlab's svds function (Lanczos bidiagonalization)

I have a simple Matlab script which aims to compute $k$ singular values of a matrix $A$. $A$ is a random dense square matrix of size $5000\times5000$, with 100 of its singular values constrained to ...
davewy's user avatar
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Implementation of sparse matrix SVD for GPU

I have a sparse matrix $W$ which is almost-squared ($N+1 \times N$) and I would like to know the eigenvalues of $A = W^T W$. $A$ is Hermitian so the eigenvalues are real-positive valued. The usual ...
simone's user avatar
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Matlab - Fast Computation of Truncated SVD / PCA

I'm working with a Matlab codebase wherein I'm attempting to solve A*c = b by approximating the (square) matrix A with its ...
davewy's user avatar
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Singular vectors of s1 for tiny dense matrices

I have a function whose main bottleneck is finding a(ny) singular vector pair in the space of the largest singular value, along with the singular value itself. This is done a huge number of times. ...
Ian Hincks's user avatar
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Analytic formula for $\arg\max_{\|z\|_\infty \le 1}z^T A z$, where $A=uu^T+vv^T$

Let $u$ and $v$ be column vectors of size $n \gg 1$ (not both zero), and consider the matrix $A:=uu^T+vv^T$ Question What is an analytic formula for $\arg\max_{\|z\|_\infty \le 1}z^TAz=\arg\max_{\|z\...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Analytic formula for leading eigenvector of $uu^T + vv^T$?

Let $u$ and $v$ be nonzero column vectors of size $n$ and consider the $n \times n$ positive-definite matrix $A:=uu^T + vv^T$. In this post, the ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Whitening transformation does NOT return a unit covariance matrix

For this question, I am using the following Wiki definition of Matrix whitening: Suppose $X$ is a random (column) vector with non-singular covariance matrix $\Sigma$ and mean 0. Then the ...
GRS's user avatar
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Stability of SVD, Eigendecompositions, and pseudoinverse procedures in modern LAPACK routines

I have proposed an optimisation algorithm which I claim has improved upon the previous algorithm in a number of ways. One of these claims is that my proposed solution requires no explicit SVD and ...
tisPrimeTime's user avatar
8 votes
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Finding the $i$-th largest eigenvalue of a matrix

Given a large matrix $A$ with eigenvalues $\sigma_1\ge \sigma_2 \ge \dotsc $, I want to determine only a subset of these values, say $\sigma_5,\sigma_8$ and $\sigma_{19}$. Is there an algorithm that ...
dexter04's user avatar
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Golub-Kahan-Lanczos Bidiagonalization Procedure implementation doesn't produce bidiagonal matrix

I'm trying to implement the aforementioned procedure using this website as a reference. At the end of the page the algorithm is described as follows: I think I've mapped the given algorithm to code ...
Chen Guevara's user avatar
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finding null space to a complex matrix

I need to solve the following equation: $$ \begin{pmatrix} \frac{\omega^2}{c^2}\varepsilon_x-\mu_z^{-1}k_y^2-\mu_y^{-1}k_z^2 & \mu_z^{-1}k_xk_y & \mu_y^{-1}k_xk_z\\ \mu_z^{-1}k_xk_y &\...
Physicist's user avatar
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How we can use CUR decomposition in place of SVD decomposition?

I have understood how CUR and SVD works, but have not been able to understand the following. How can we use CUR in place of the SVD decomposition? Do the $C$ and $R$ matrices in the CUR follow the ...
Prathamesh Raut's user avatar
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Nystrom approximation of SVD for asymmetric matrices

Suppose I have a symmetric matrix $K$. Subdivide $K$ into pieces as $$K=\begin{pmatrix} K_{11} & K_{12} \\ K_{21} & K_{22}\end{pmatrix},$$ where $K_{21}=K_{12}^\top$. Then, the Nystrom ...
Justin Solomon's user avatar
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Inverting big symmetric and singular matrices

In this post I found a very similar probem to the one I have, but not a satisfactory answer for my purposes. I have a set of matrices $C_\ell$. They are exactly symmetric by construction. ...
johnhenry's user avatar
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Poor SVD reconstruction of singular matrix

I am trying to calculate the singular value decomposition of this matrix using numpy.linalg.svd . However, reconstructing the matrix from the SVD gives a poor ...
myseun's user avatar
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Best algorithm for inversion of matrix spanning many orders of magnitude [duplicate]

I have a very similar problem to the one described in Calculate inverse of dense matrix with entries of very different magnitude. The reason why I am opening a new question is because as far as I ...
johnhenry's user avatar
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10 votes
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How much regularization to add to make SVD stable?

I've been using Intel MKL's SVD (dgesvd through SciPy) and noticed that results are are significantly different when I change precision between ...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
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Pseudoinverse of a large sparse matrix in r

This question was moved from Cross-Validated: I am trying to calculate the pseudoinverse of a large sparse ...
Paul's user avatar
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Block-matrix SVD and rank bounds

Assume, we have an $m\times n$ block matrix $M=\left[\begin{array}{c c}A&C\\B&D \end{array}\right]$, where $A$ is an $m_1 \times n_1$ matrix of rank $k_A$. $B$ is an $m_2 \times n_1$ matrix ...
Anton Menshov's user avatar
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Generalized eigenvalue with null space

Define $S\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ as $$S:=H+Q^\top V^{-1} Q.$$ $H,V$ are positive semidefinite. Here, $H$, $Q$, and $V$ are large, dense matrices but they are structured: I can write code for ...
Justin Solomon's user avatar
7 votes
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What is the fastest way to compute the sum of the singular values of a matrix?

Is there a faster way to compute the nuclear norm (trace norm, sum of singular values) of a matrix A than computing SVD(A) directly (or diagonalizing A^*A)? I am particularly interested in the case ...
Brent's user avatar
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Under what circumstances does Elemental's distributed SVD not work? [closed]

I am playing around with Elemental's distributed singular value decomposition and am running into two particular issues. Building the test at tests/lapack_like/SVD.cpp, and running with ...
AidanGG's user avatar
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Lanczos algorithms for Hermitian system with Toeplitz kernel

Basically, I am trying to compute the SVD of a large Hermitian matrix $H$ using Lanczos iteration, while $H$ consists if a Toeplitz kernel $K$, which should be able to help speed up the matrix-vector ...
lorniper's user avatar
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Optimal ordering in Jacobi SVD algorithm

In Jacobi SVD algorithm as given here every pair of columns of the matrix is orthogonalized until convergence. I want to know that how does the order of selection of the pair of columns affect the ...
sv_jan5's user avatar
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Condition Number of Rectangular Matrices

The 2-norm condition number can be easily extended to rectangular matrices. I'm wondering if the inequality for the product of matrices still holds in that case, i.e., $\operatorname{cond}(AB) \leq \...
gpavanb's user avatar
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Efficient methods to solve large dense singular least square problem (linear system)

I am trying to solve a singular linear least square problem: $$minimize: \phantom{2} ||Ax-b||^2 \\ subject \phantom{2} to: \phantom{2} x \ge 0$$ Here $ A \in R^{n \times m} $, and $ n\lt m$. here m ...
JW Xing's user avatar
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Choosing suitable polynomial degree based on information in advection stencil

I'm working on a finite volume advection scheme for unstructured meshes which uses a multidimensional polynomial weighted least squares fit for interpolating from cell centres onto faces. In 2D, the ...
hertzsprung's user avatar
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Iterative Closest Point Algorithm

I am currently working on an iterative closest point algorithm (in C++, see here). I understand the basic premise of an ICP algorithm. You have two point clouds (a target and a reference) and you ...
Developer Paul's user avatar