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Combining fluid flow solver based on lattice Boltzmann method with a mechanical deformation solver based on finite element method

I'm thinking to couple my fluid flow solver based on lattice Boltzmann method with a mechanical deformation solver based on finite element method to take account for solid deformation in my models. In ...
GGG's user avatar
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B-splines least squares with equality constraints

Can someone recommend the best way to solve a least squares fitting problem with B-splines, with additional equality constraints? I want to solve: $$ \min_x || b - A x ||^2, \textrm{subject to: } C x =...
vibe's user avatar
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Efficient numerical optimization of an "almost separable" function

I have come across an optimization problem with the following objective function: $$f(x_0,y_0,z_0,x_1,y_1,z_1,...,x_N,y_N,z_N) = \sum_{i=0}^N f_i(x_i,y_i,z_i, \alpha(x_{i+1}-x_i) + \beta(y_{i+1}-y_i))...
KMee's user avatar
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Maple: patmatch does not identify patterns inside diff() operator

I understand that the function applyrule uses patmatch to identify patterns and apply transformations accordingly. Suppose, I ...
walker786's user avatar
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The sign of Schrodinger equation

I have a question for the format of Schrodinger equation $$\psi(x,t) = \int_0^\infty c_n e^{-iE_nt/\hbar} \psi_n(x)$$ Why do we have $i$ instead of $-i$?
user4488's user avatar
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Inflow and outflow boundary conditions for advection-diffusion equation

I'm trying to solve this advection-diffusion equation (ADE): $$\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot (-D \nabla \phi + \mathbf{u} \phi) = 0$$ In fact, this ADE framework is coupled to a ...
GGG's user avatar
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Use of Morton Key to reduce number of grid points

I asked a question on Stack Overflow Performance Issue with VP Trees and Nearest Neighborsand I was not satisfied with the answer and so I thought I would reword my question for this site and post ...
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Methods to compute specific eigenvector components for a tridiagonal matrix

I have an application that is somewhat similar to the situation of computing Gaussian quadrature nodes and weights: simply put, I need to compute the eigenvalues and the last two (normalized) ...
篠原美菜子's user avatar
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Algorithm for integrating a 6D function in a Morse-Smale 3D cell

Lets say that one has a scalar field defined in 3D space for whose gradient he wants to find the Morse-Smale Complex for later performing an integration of several hexa-dimensional functions over ...
Zythos's user avatar
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Maintain sorted ring buffer [closed]

I would like to insert elements into a ring (circular) buffer one at a time and maintain a permutation array which keeps track of the sorted elements in ascending order. To do this, I have adapted the ...
vibe's user avatar
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What does the Jackson Kernel measure?

A certain filter I'm writing uses two different kernels. The Fejer kernel (which is common) and the Jackson kernel: $$ \Delta_T(x) = T \,\left( \frac{\sin \pi T x}{\pi T x}\right)^2 \quad\text{and}...
john mangual's user avatar
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Algorithm to find most similar elements in several groups

I'd like to find an algorithm that can solve the following problem: Consider 4 groups of numbers: Group 1: [10, 100, 1000], Group 2: [101, 15, 2000], Group 3: [20, 1500, 100], Group 4: [150, 3000, ...
aleksmath's user avatar
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How to analyze the dispersion and dissipation of a certain FEM?

In Finite Difference method or Finite volume textbook. Dispersion/Dissipation can be analyzed by set $u = u_0\exp{\omega t +\mathbf{kx}}$。 However, I cannot find something about this kind of analysis ...
CatDog's user avatar
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Basic approach for numerical solution of PDE

I'm looking for some guidance on how to write a program to numerically solve a PDE. As an example for comparison in 1D: $$\frac{d^2u}{dx^2} = f\;\;\;\;u(0) = 0\;\;\;\;u(1) = 0$$ We could try 6 ...
user2357's user avatar
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Understanding design patterns [closed]

I read some books and scoured the web about design pattern,but almost all ways of expressing design patterns are the same. They define what is it,draw UML and give an example,but what I want is to ...
Henok Tesfaye's user avatar
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What is the finite-difference representation of the Laplacian operator with periodic boundary conditions? [duplicate]

I am using a central-difference scheme to solve the eigenvalue problem $$\frac{d^2}{dx^2}u = \lambda u$$ on a unit interval with periodic boundary conditions. My understanding is the eigenvectors $...
DJames's user avatar
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Which solvers for BVP in python are the best? Is there something better that scipy.integrate.solve_bvp?

I am trying to solve a boundary value problem with Python. I have been using scipy.integrate.solve_bvp but the result that it is giving me is completely wrong. Basically my code is as follows: ...
Luis Enrique Padilla Albores's user avatar
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How to model a non-linear least-squares problem for triangles

I have a non-linear least-squares problem to solve and with my current modeling, the solver is either very slow or does not converge to a correct solution. For the problem, I need to minimize energy ...
allo's user avatar
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How to numerically transform a 2D Fourier spectrum with arbitrary frequency shift to center frequency?

Suppose $F(u,v)$ is the center frequency Fourier representation of some $f(x,y)$ in 2D. $$ f(x,y)=\int\limits_{-\infty}^{\infty}\int\limits_{-\infty}^{\infty}F(u,v)e^{2\pi i (xu+yv)}dudv $$ In ...
lorniper's user avatar
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Equal area algorithm to find shock location

I am looking to solve 1D burgers equation with various random initial conditions. What is the best algorithm to find the exact solution? One method that is covered in literature is the equal area ...
gk1's user avatar
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Best Possible Convex bounds for optimization problems

Suppose we have a primal problem $$ p^{*}=\min_x f(x), \\\text{s.t.}~~ h_i(x) \leq 0, $$ where $f(.)$ and $h_i(.)$ are possibly non-convex. Then its Lagrangian is $$\mathcal{L}(x,z_i)= f(x) + \...
dineshdileep's user avatar
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$ A * B $ computation when B is a symmetric matrix in armadillo [closed]

Is there any way to multiply a symmetric matrix by a dense one in armadillo(and use the fact that we have a symmetric matrix)? I know about DSYMM Routine in BLAS,...
MAh2014's user avatar
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Getting started with FEM: Ill-conditioned matrix when evaluating flux terms in conservation law?

I have a system of conservation laws of the form $$ \frac{\partial \mathbf{q}}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot \mathbf{F}\!\left(\mathbf{q}\right) = 0 $$ I want to use finite elements to solve this ...
emprice's user avatar
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Efficient initial identification of solid or liquid domains for a block structured Cartesian grid generation system

INTRO Within the last 5 days I was able to generate a block structured Cartesian grid generation system with a combination of Fortran,C++ and Python. I am running intersection tests of the ...
SYN's user avatar
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Finite difference methods for coupled 2nd order nonlinear pdes

I have a system of coupled nonlinear PDEs that I cannot figure out how to solve in a smart way using FDM, so I was hoping someone here might have a clue. The equations go as: \begin{align*} \frac{1}{...
Rasmus's user avatar
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PBS: Using different computational resources on different nodes

I am using an HPC cluster to launch parallel simulations. At the moment, there are 48 free cores over 4 nodes but not each node do not have the same number of free cores. The distribution is something ...
Abhishek Verma's user avatar
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Space covering optimization

I have the following problem: In the space $E=\{1, 2, \dots, N_x\} \times \{1, 2, \dots, N_y\}$, I want to define $N_R$ rectangles $R_k=\{x_k^0, \dots, x_k^1\}\times\{y_k^0, \dots, y_k^1\}$ which ...
Gagaouthu's user avatar
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Algorithm for group forming: as individual or in a preformed group

I have 20-80 users and 5-10 events with varying ranges of minimum and maximum number of free seats (2-4, 3-5, 2-6...). For example, with a range of 3-5 it is acceptable to only assign three users to ...
Archinowsk's user avatar
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Fixed point iteration reduction factor

In a book for solving a nonlinear differential equation with $N+1$ points, $u_{xx} = e^{u}, u(-1)=u(1) = 0$, in $[-1,1]$ with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions, the fixed point iteration is ...
MohammadSh's user avatar
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How to make supercell of partial occupancies for DFT?

In the case of partial occupancies (for example, this CIF), a supercell should be made for DFT calculations. However, numerous supercells can be built from a lattice (in the above example, 200 ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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computing dual matrix trace norm and tensor gradient in python

I'm trying to write the following function in python: $$ f_\mu(\mathcal X) = f_0(\mathcal X) + \sum_{i = 1}^n \max_{||\mathcal Y_{i(i)}|| \leq1} \alpha_i\langle \mathcal X_{(i)},\mathcal Y_{i(i)} \...
vaspurakan's user avatar
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Decrease in slope during convergence analysis

I am using the method of manufactured solutions to perform the order of accuracy testing. I am using a cube for the testing. The cube is size 1m on all sides. I used 5 refinements: $dx = dy = dz = ...
user27504's user avatar
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Limit to volume change in a discretized mathematical model?

I have set up a mathematical model describing the diffusion of ozone out of a gas bubble. The bubble is surrounded by a thin gas film. So actually, the model describes the diffusion of ozone through ...
Sigils's user avatar
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Method of manufactured solutions - choice of type of boundary conditions

I am attempting to use the method of manufactured solutions (MMS) for code verification for linear elasticity. However, this is more of a general question regarding the general use of MMS. In MMS, ...
user27504's user avatar
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FE discretisation of normal to displacement vector

Having shape functions $N_i(\xi,\eta), i = 1,...,N_n$ and, a normal vector $n = (n_x,n_y,n_z)$, a thickness function $F_\tau (\zeta), \tau = 1,...,N_\tau$ and nodal variables $\mathbf{Q}_u = (Q_u,Q_v,...
N Luis's user avatar
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Jacobian Elements for Coupled Drift-Diffusion System using Vertex-Centered Finite Volume

I'm trying to solve the fully coupled drift-diffusion system using Newton's Method. Although I eventually plan to potentially use a Jacobian-Free Newton-Krylov approach, this is still something that I ...
Chronum's user avatar
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fourth order Poisson iterative solver --in Matlab

I want to calculate the stream function $\psi$ starting from a velocity field $(u,v)$ (such that $u=-\frac{\partial\psi}{\partial y}$ and $v=\frac{\partial\psi}{\partial x}$). I thus calculate the ...
shamalaia's user avatar
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Neumann boundary condition FD implementation for instationnary diffusion equation

I am trying to solve this diffusion equation : $\dfrac{\partial D\dfrac{\partial f}{\partial x}}{\partial x}+S = \dfrac{\partial f}{\partial t}$ ($D$ is not constant and varies according to $x$) with ...
Chack.Flack's user avatar
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Global truncation error behavior at fixed time step

I am trying to solve the following diffusion equation problem: $\frac{\partial f}{\partial t}=\frac{\partial (D\frac{\partial f}{\partial x})}{\partial x}+S$ $D=1+x^{2}+\sin(x)$ $f(x,0)=1 , f(0,t)...
Chack.Flack's user avatar
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Numerical analysis: Chebyshev coefficient representation error

If $x_k$ are the Chebyshev nodes, that is for $n \in \mathbb{N}^*$, we have $x_k = \cos(\pi \frac{2k + 1}{n})$. Now suppose you have approximated values of $x_k$ and $x_{k'}$ for $k,k' \leq n$. In the ...
user401855's user avatar
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Stokes flow around rigid body

I'm trying to simulate Stokes flow in 2D around an arbitrary polygon (representing a rigid body). I'd like to get both the effect of the body on the flow velocity and the forces on the body by the ...
Jay Lemmon's user avatar
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How does the MADS algorithm work in practice

Mesh Adaptive Direct Search (MASH) is an algorithm for black box optimization I want to understand an implement this method to solve some 2D multivariate blackbox function $f(x,y)$, but am having ...
user1887919's user avatar
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fitting exponential versus exponential w/ power

I have two models which I would like to investigate for my data. One form is: \begin{equation} \label{one} f(r) = A e^{-B r} \end{equation} and the second is: \begin{equation} \label{two} g(r)...
kηives's user avatar
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Magnetostatic modelling Radia: Increasing distance between magnets a produces positive force until a certain point, beyond which force goes haywire

I have two sets of magnets. One set consists of two electromagnets (Shown below: Blue) and the other set consists of two NdFeB N40 permanent magnets. Both sets of magnets lie on the same plane. I want ...
James O'Farrell's user avatar
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Genetic Algorithm: Need some clarification on selection and what to do when crossover doesn't happen

I'm writing a genetic algorithm to minimize a function. I have two questions, one in regards to selection and the other with regards to crossover and what to do when it doesn't happen. Here's an ...
fiziks's user avatar
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Alternatives to Newton-Raphson for nonlinear elasticity via finite element

As far as I have seen, solving problems of nonlinear elasticity using the finite element method proceeds by linearizing, either around the initial configuration (total Lagrangian approach) or around ...
OskarM's user avatar
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Levenberg-Marquardt for root-finding: just square the function?

This question might be so obvious and trivial that I'm having a hard time googling it. I have a multivariate root finding problem that I'm trying to solve in C# and the library that I'm trying to use ...
lamont's user avatar
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Procedure to identify characteristic properties of unknown functions in a DAE model

I have a system of 1st order odes given by $$ \dot{x_1}(t) = \alpha_1 f_1(x_1,t) + \beta_1 u(t) \\ \dot{x_2}(t) = \alpha_2 f_2(x_2,t) + \beta_2 u(t) $$ They are constrained by an algebraic equation ...
Dr Krishnakumar Gopalakrishnan's user avatar
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What is the inverse Laplace transform algorithm that is most accurate given the fewest frequencies considered?

Based on your empirical knowledge. This paper suggests a nonlinearly accelerated Fourier series approach, such as the one proposed here, but I have one constraint: we should be able to express the ...
Pippo's user avatar
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Radially symmetric system of PDEs in deal.II

I am trying to solve the radially symmetric polar form of the PDE with homogeneous Neumann BC in deal.II on a unit circle: $$ u_t = \Delta u - \nabla \cdot (u \nabla h) $$ $$ h_t = \Delta h $$ I am ...
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