I am trying to rewrite some MATLAB/Octave code in Python, and I don't know what would be the nicest or most intuitive way of writing

    octave:10> dt = 0.1;
    octave:12> T = 0:dt:1
    T =

        0.00000    0.10000    0.20000    0.30000    0.40000    0.50000    0.60000    0.70000    0.80000    0.90000    1.00000
    octave:15> dt = 0.17;
    octave:16> T = 0:dt:1
    T =

        0.00000    0.17000    0.34000    0.51000    0.68000    0.85000

which creates a discretization of the interval [0, 1] with step 0.1, as it's seen. I referred to the NumPy/MATLAB mathesaurus and it uses `arange` function, but it's not suitable for non-integer values as it's stated in [the documentation][1] and shown in [this SO question][2]. On the other hand, playing with `linspace` is not appealing to me because it takes care of endpoints, not spacing.

Which would be a straight-forward, one-line way of doing this in Python?

[1]: http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.arange.html
[2]: https://stackoverflow.com/q/10011302/554319