I am trying to numerically solve equation (6) of [Lakhina 2021][1] in Python. The equation is $$\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{d \phi}{d\xi}\right)^2 + S(\phi, M) = 0\, .$$ The Sagdeev potential expression is given by (7). [![enter image description here][3]][3] What I want is to reproduce the potential profiles in Fig. 3 of [Lakhina 2021][1]. [![enter image description here][4]][4] The boundary conditions given in the paper are: $\phi(0)_{M = 2.55} = 0.023$ <br/> $\phi(0)_{M = 2.57} = 0.037$ <br/> $\phi(0)_{M = 2.55} = 0.046$ In the code below, I first define a function for the first-order differential equation. Then, set boundary conditions for each mach number, $M$, and finally, I use `odeint` from the `scipy.integrate` module in Python to solve the boundary value problem. The plot of the solutions is shown in the last figure. Here is my attempt, the Python code: ```python ## Importing standard modules from scipy.integrate import odeint import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ## Reconnection jet plasma parameters n1 = 0.74 n2 = 0.26 sig1 = 0.11 sig2 = 0.07 U1 = -1.72 U2 = 1.82 # Function for Sagdeev potential equation def S(phi, M): s = (1 - np.exp(phi)) + n1/(6*np.sqrt(3*sig1))*((M - U1 + np.sqrt(3*sig1))**3 - ((M - U1 + np.sqrt(3*sig1))**2 - 2*phi)**1.5 - (M - U1 - np.sqrt(3*sig1))**3 + ((M - U1 - np.sqrt(3*sig1))**2 - 2*phi)**1.5) + n2/(6*np.sqrt(3*sig2))*( (M - U2 + np.sqrt(3*sig2))**3 - ((M - U2 + np.sqrt(3*sig2))**2 - 2*phi)**1.5 - (M - U2 - np.sqrt(3*sig2))**3 + ((M - U2 - np.sqrt(3*sig2))**2 - 2*phi)**1.5) return s ## Solving the ode def model(phi, zeta, M): S = (1 - np.exp(phi)) + n1/(6*np.sqrt(3*sig1))*((M - U1 + np.sqrt(3*sig1))**3 - ((M - U1 + np.sqrt(3*sig1))**2 - 2*phi)**1.5 - (M - U1 - np.sqrt(3*sig1))**3 + ((M - U1 - np.sqrt(3*sig1))**2 - 2*phi)**1.5) + n2/(6*np.sqrt(3*sig2))*( (M - U2 + np.sqrt(3*sig2))**3 - ((M - U2 + np.sqrt(3*sig2))**2 - 2*phi)**1.5 - (M - U2 - np.sqrt(3*sig2))**3 + ((M - U2 - np.sqrt(3*sig2))**2 - 2*phi)**1.5) dphi_dzeta = -np.sqrt(-2*S) return dphi_dzeta # Boundary conditions phi0_M255 = 0.023 #For M = 2.55 phi0_M257 = 0.037 #For M = 2.57 phi0_M259 = 0.046 #For M = 2.59 phi_array = np.linspace(-0.01, 0.06, 1000) zeta_array = np.linspace(-16, 16, 1000) Phi = odeint(model, phi0, zeta_array, args = (2.57,)) ## Plotting plt.figure(2) plt.axhline(0, color = 'k', lw = 1) plt.axvline(0, color = 'k', lw = 1) plt.plot(zeta_array, Phi, label = "M = 2.55") plt.xlabel("$\zeta$") plt.ylabel("S($\phi$, M)") plt.legend() ``` Output: [![enter image description here][5]][5] May you please assist? I am really not sure where I am going wrong. ### References 1. Lakhina, G. S., Singh, S. V., & Rubia, R. (2021). [A mechanism for electrostatic solitary waves observed in the reconnection jet region of the Earth’s magnetotail.][1] Advances in Space Research. [1]: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0273117721003112 [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/AKLQL.png [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/j8Zrk.png [4]: https://i.sstatic.net/VPMR6.png [5]: https://i.sstatic.net/l499T.png