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3 votes

Partition mesh into predetermined submeshes

For your first question, constructing the adjacency graph of the "partitions" (what you call "cell groups"): Let's say you have an array $p_K$ in which you store for each cell $K$ ...
Wolfgang Bangerth's user avatar
2 votes

Visualization of Quad/Octree data Structures

You need to look up the VTK file format here: It's not very difficult, you'd just write a single cell for each node of your quad tree. The ...
Wolfgang Bangerth's user avatar
2 votes

What is the difference between recursive bisection and direct k-way partition?

Your intuition is correct -- a bisection method cuts the (hyper)graph in two, and recursive bisection repeatedly applies this strategy until the desired number of cuts have been made. Direct ...
Daniel Shapero's user avatar
2 votes

Explicit polynomial for quadratic elements? (FEM)

In order to be an interpolation basis, for each node $i$ there must be a polynomial $\phi_i(\vec{r})$ such that $$ \phi_i(\vec{r}_j) = \delta_{ij} $$ where $\vec{r}_j$ is the coordinate location of ...
helloworld922's user avatar
2 votes

Mesh decomposition using coordinate bisection

You can definitely use coordinate information to inform mesh partitioning, a brief sketch follows. Given some set of elements, you can form a point cloud of their centroids and then apply principal ...
rchilton1980's user avatar
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2 votes

Looking for Partinioning Algorithms allowing for Constraints

If I understand what you're looking for correctly, it looks like you want to compute the contour lines of constant BMI and use those as boundaries to separate your domain? A very simple algorithm for ...
helloworld922's user avatar
1 vote

Visualization of Quad/Octree data Structures

Consider the following visualization as an example. It visualizes two binary trees: $T_S$ and $T_V$ for the surface mesh of the sphere and volume mesh of the sphere, respectively. At the 0th level, ...
Anton Menshov's user avatar
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1 vote

simple and fast graph-clustering for paralelization of finite element simulations

For a simple (yet not optimal, see below) mesh partitioning algorithm, you can do: ...
BrunoLevy's user avatar
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1 vote

Mesh partitioner that assures non empty subdomain?

I was having an issue with Metis_PartMeshDual where if my number of processors was greater than (number of elements)/2 I would get processors that were given no ...
user565015's user avatar

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