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9 votes

Small quadratic programming problem - a simple Fortran code needed

John Burkardt provides parallelepiped_point_dist_3d in his geometry library. The Fortran90 version:
jdgleeson's user avatar
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8 votes

Can this simple quadratic optimization problem be turned into a simple eigenvalue problem?

At least for the second question the answer is yes. See for example Mattheij, Robert MM, and Gustaf Söderlind. "On inhomogeneous eigenvalue problems. I." Linear Algebra and its Applications ...
Aage's user avatar
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8 votes

Small quadratic programming problem - a simple Fortran code needed

Your problem is a bounded variables least squares (BVLS) problem. For small instances, an active set method can quickly solve the problem. Lawson and Hanson have Fortran code for this in their book ...
Brian Borchers's user avatar
6 votes

Reformulate a strictly convex QP problem containing absolute value term

$$\begin{align} \text{Minimize}\quad&\frac{1}{2} x^T Q x + a^T x + c^T|x| \\ \text{subject to}\quad&Gx \leq b \end{align}$$ where $Q$ is positive definite matrix, $c^T \gt 0$ (element-wise) ...
Zero's user avatar
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5 votes

Quadratic programs with rank deficient positive semidefinite matrices

To ensure this does not drown in the comments, I make it an answer. The solver used is not SeDuMi, as claimed in the question. The solver used is quadprog, and that solver (or more specifically, a ...
Johan Löfberg's user avatar
5 votes

Discrete-time Algebraic Riccati Equation (DARE) solver in C++

If you want a ten-line solution that is decently fast and stable, you can implement yourself the structured doubling algorithm: set up the coupled iteration $A_0 = A, G_0 = G = BR^{-1}B^T, H_0 = Q$ ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
5 votes

Checking positive definiteness on a hyperplane

Instead of e = eig(N'*A*N);, you can use [R,p]=chol(N'*A*N);, and test for p==0. Matlab ...
wim's user avatar
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4 votes

How to ensure the numeric value is always positive in Optimization Python?

Consider a variable transform. Assuming you care about the individual entries of $x$ and not something like its determinant, you can transform the $x_i$ such that the new variable $y_i$ is not bounded ...
Root of All Things's user avatar
4 votes

Is solving QP easier than a QCQP with linear objective?

Quadratically constrained problems are fundamentally more complicated than linearly constrained problems because the feasible set is not necessarily convex (unless, of course, you are specific about ...
Wolfgang Bangerth's user avatar
3 votes

Which optimization method can be used to do the following?

Despite my comment, I think you can find $\tilde{D}$ that contains the noise term as well. You have this equation: $$-M^{T} \tilde{D} M \phi(t) = -M^{T} D M \phi(t) + W(t)$$ Where $W(t)$ is the ...
Mithridates the Great's user avatar
3 votes

Complementary quadratic knapsack problem

Applying the transformation you suggested, we get: $$\min_{y \in\{0,1\}^n} (\mathbf{1}-y)^TP(\mathbf{1}-y)$$ $$\mathrm{s.t.}\;\;w^T(\mathbf{1}-y)\geq c\, ,$$ where $n$ is the dimension where $x$ ...
dhasson's user avatar
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3 votes

How to ensure the numeric value is always positive in Optimization Python?

$ \def\bbR#1{{\mathbb R}^{#1}} \def\a{\alpha}\def\b{\beta}\def\l{\lambda} \def\o{{\tt1}}\def\p{\partial} \def\LR#1{\left(#1\right)} \def\diag#1{\operatorname{diag}\LR{#1}} \def\Diag#1{\operatorname{...
greg's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the fastest way to solve Ax=b (subject to constraints and an absolute term)

This problem can be formulated as a standard positive semidefinite QP with bounded variables. First, deal with the absolute value terms in the objective by letting $x=u-v$, where $u\geq 0$ and $v \...
Brian Borchers's user avatar
3 votes

Approximating solutions to quadratic recurrence boundary value problem

Newton-type methods are standard methods for solving system of nonlinear equations numerically. To make sure they can handle this, I tried solving your problem with NLsolve.jl in julia, and it seems ...
Kirill's user avatar
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3 votes

Factoring a quadratic function

Your conjecture can not be correct, for two purely formal reasons: In $x^T Q x$, if you multiplied this out as a sum $\sum_i \sum_j Q_{ij}x_ix_j$, every term in the sum is the product of two entries ...
Wolfgang Bangerth's user avatar
3 votes

Modeling a quadratic constraint with a linear expression

Suppose $$z_{i} = x_{i} \times y_{i}$$ The constraint $$ \sum_{i=1}^{n} x_{i}y_{i}\le 1 $$ can be reformulated as linear constraints: 1) $$ \sum_{i=1}^{n} z_{i}\le 1 $$ 2) $$ z_{i}\le x_{i} $$ 3) $$...
HelloObamama's user avatar
2 votes

What is the fastest method for solving a quadratic programm repeatedly,( warmstarted)?

You could try any iterative algorithm, such as gradient descent or L-BFGS. To speed up solving each instance after the first, use the solution to the prior instance as the initial value for solving ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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2 votes

Disjunctive programming software

I haven't used it, but Pyomo, a seemingly well-supported modeling software includes a module for generalized disjunctive programming. One of the many examples they provide at the above link appears as ...
Richard's user avatar
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2 votes

Solving multiple least-square problems with the same constraints

Depends on dimensions, but for small problems you can compute an explicit piecewise affine representation of the solution, i.e., a function $x = f(t)$. This field is called multiparametric programming....
Johan Löfberg's user avatar
2 votes

Approximating solutions to quadratic recurrence boundary value problem

In addition to Kirill's excellent answer, one thing I think work mentioning is Smale's $\alpha$-theory. One of the hard parts about applying Newton's method is that, if you don't make a really good ...
Daniel Shapero's user avatar
2 votes

Improve optimization speed for a set of similar problems: Quadratic programming with a warm start

Here's an approach for dense $Q$ and $A$ that does some relatively expensive preliminary computations that make the individual solutions very fast. I doubt that any iterative approach would be faster ...
Brian Borchers's user avatar
2 votes

Reuse linear mapping that provides the solution to least squares problem using LAPACK

I think the equations might not match (min x^T Q x vs min |c-Q x|_2), but I still think i understood the core question; can one ...
Mikael Öhman's user avatar
2 votes

Overconstraining in SQP

That can't happen. You can have more constraints than variables, but the number of active constraints can not exceed the number of variables. (That's not quite true: Some constraints might be ...
Wolfgang Bangerth's user avatar
2 votes

Solving a parameter estimation problem using trajectory optimization

Your cost function can also be written as $$ K = \int_0^{t_f} \left(\phi(t) - e^{-M^\top \tilde{D}\,M\,t} \hat{\phi}(0)\right)^\top \left(\phi(t) - e^{-M^\top \tilde{D}\,M\,t} \hat{\phi}(0)\right) dt....
fibonatic's user avatar
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2 votes

Solving a parameter estimation problem using trajectory optimization

I am a bit confused as to your characterization of constraints. Equation $(1)$ is not a constraint. It is the model that generated the time series data you are trying to fit. You then try to find the ...
whpowell96's user avatar
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2 votes

Numerical Simulation of a Quadratic MIP with a highly rational term

Getting an exact solution via brute force I'll try to circle back later to formulate this as a MIP, but your problem as stated is small enough that you can just brute force the solution. For instance, ...
Richard's user avatar
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2 votes

Can this problem be solved using convex optimization?

This is not a convex problem. In fact, I don't think it even has a problem. Think about the special case where $x\in{\mathbb R}^1$, then your problem has the form $$\begin{align} \max & \quad \...
Wolfgang Bangerth's user avatar
1 vote

Project to nearest point on convex polytope

Assume that $y$ is not in the polyhedron (it is easy to check whether it is, and we know that the distance is zero in that case). If $y$ is outside then the closest point will be on the surface of the ...
Abdullah Ali Sivas's user avatar
1 vote

Why am I getting this DCPError?

cvxpy's rules for disciplined convex programming are listed here. Notably, it states that: The DCP rules require that the problem objective have one of two forms: Minimize(convex) ...
Richard's user avatar
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1 vote

Minimize squared error of linear function

Your problem is still a linear least squares problem. You can write $\Psi(x)$ as $\Psi(x)=\| Hx - g \|_{2}^{2}$ where $H=\left[ \begin{array}{c} I \\ M \end{array} \right] $ and $g=\left[ \...
Brian Borchers's user avatar

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