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Mauro Vanzetto's user avatar
Mauro Vanzetto
  • Member for 7 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
13 votes

Practical example of why it is not good to invert a matrix

9 votes

Are there any embarrassingly parallel tasks that require a CPU rather than GPU?

7 votes

Lost on Matrix Inversion

7 votes

Least Squares: Numerically, is solving normal equations okay for nice matrices?

6 votes

How to debug a constrained optimization algorithm?

6 votes

How to avoid the round-off errors in the larger calculations?

6 votes

What is the meaning of stability in numerical analysis? How to deterimne the stability of a numerical method?

5 votes

The real myth of GPU (specifically CUDA) really speed up FEM/CFD

5 votes

Improve numeric stability of subtraction in C++

4 votes

Polynomial interpolation on a regular hexagon

3 votes

What is the difference between MATLAB and FORTRAN?

3 votes

Exploiting patterns in matrix for efficient matrix-vector multiplication

3 votes

Physical interpretation of L2 norm of heat equation solution

2 votes

The pressure correction equation in Chorin's Projection Method for the Navier-Stokes equation

2 votes

GMRES : incomplete Krylov-subspace

2 votes

What's the fastest implementation of elementwise vector multiplication in Fortran?

2 votes

Testing equality of two floats: Realistic example

2 votes

Preconditioner for scalar laplacian system

2 votes

Polynomial Interpolation with Matlab polyfit

2 votes

Gnuplot: How can I determine the maxima of a fit function in gnuplot?

2 votes

A fast way to check if a Matrix is ill-conditioned, and turning it into well-conditioned

2 votes

Demo example for OpenFOAM with CUDA

2 votes

Python - Fitting a function to data without using Scipy

1 vote

Relation of Condition of a Matrix and Convergency

1 vote

What is the fastest method to invert millions of matrices?

1 vote

Which python library for GPU sparse linear system solver library

1 vote

Why do equi-spaced points behave badly?

1 vote

Compare 64gb dd3 ram with 2gb Quadro M1000M gpu on Lenovo P50

1 vote

Solving a small non-symmetric, non-diagonally dominant, and non-sparse system

1 vote

On the Rellich-Kondrachov embedding theorem