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Szabolcs's user avatar
Szabolcs's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
15 votes

Algorithms for (adaptive?) function plotting

14 votes

Fastest Delaunay triangulation libraries for sets of 3D points

13 votes

How do I plot the surface of a 4D plot?

8 votes

Is there any open-source or easy-to-access software that can simplify algebraic expressions like $x^{2}+2x+3, x=\sqrt{2}t-1$?

8 votes

Sort a cloud of points with respect to an unstructured mesh of hexahedral cells

8 votes

Which software and workflow is recommend for publication of scientific data and graphs?

6 votes

What is the deterministic counterpart of Robbins-Monro algorithm?

5 votes

Recommendations and experiences on which license to choose for software?

5 votes

The region of allowed values ​​for solving the equation in Mathematica

3 votes

Using multiple languages in scientific codes

2 votes

Starting multiple processes from a single PBS job and distributing them on the free cluster nodes

1 vote

List of data munging libraries

1 vote

Numerical method for equation solving that works on stochastically computed functions