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Tolga Birdal's user avatar
Tolga Birdal
  • Member for 10 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
11 votes

Method to check for positive definite matrices

10 votes

How to prove the 2-norm of an invertible matrix is exactly the reciprocal of its minimum singular value?

8 votes

Polynomial approximation

6 votes

Fitting Implicit Surfaces to Oriented Point Sets

5 votes

Iterative camera calibration - No convergence

5 votes

Matlab - Fast Computation of Truncated SVD / PCA

5 votes

Algorithms to extract trajectory lines out of 3D point clouds

5 votes

Memory efficient implementations of partial Singular Value Decompositions (SVD)

4 votes

Is there a relationship between the covariance matrix and the partial derivative?

4 votes

Mathematical Complexity of Sparse Solvers

4 votes

How do I solve the matrix equality constrained optimization problem using Lagrangian multipliers?

4 votes

Shape measure for C-shaped objects

3 votes

Efficient computation of leading eigenvector of a matrix product of the form $ADA^T$, where $D$ is diagonal

3 votes

Evaluate 3D Shape Descriptor

3 votes

Large-scale almost-linear optimization

3 votes

Linear Least-Squares Point-to-Plane ICP degenerative case

3 votes

Fast counting of all submatrices of a binary matrix with a full column rank

3 votes

Fit best polygon to a discrete contour

3 votes

Compare reconstruction of matrices using SVD

3 votes

visualization of 3D probability flow

2 votes

How to detect smiles using OpenCV and IntraFace?

2 votes

Optimal algoritm of gcd with complexity

2 votes

Line Integral Convolution (LIC) Requirements

2 votes

Fitting orthogonal planes to a point set

2 votes

Iterative Closest Point Algorithm

2 votes

Indexing Nested Loops in C

1 vote

Efficiently generate a random subgraph (Gs) with maximum degree K, using only edges from an existing graph G

1 vote

Gradient of function after renormalization of variables

1 vote

Find representatives of vector-space in set of vectors?

1 vote

Approximation diameter 2-dimensional space