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BlaB's user avatar
BlaB's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a week ago
8 votes

What is the weak form of a vector type Laplace equation?

6 votes

Fast c++ library to solve very big sparse systems

5 votes

"Elevation" plot of a 2D plot - paraview vtk

5 votes

Sanity checking jacobians for Finite Element code

4 votes

$O(h^2)$ convergence for Elliptic PDE

3 votes

Most suitable particle-tracking software

2 votes

In practice, what are the most useful ways to visualize 2d fluid flow, to tell what is happening in the simulation? Esp for verification and debugging

2 votes

No flux Neumann boundary condition for non-stationary PDE equivalent to Dirichlet boundary?

2 votes

Finite elements with CFL condition - How to obtain correct order of convergence

2 votes

Implementation of basic example in LAMMPS

2 votes

Mesh and Lattice-Boltzmann methods

2 votes

Benchmark setup for incompressible Rayleigh-Taylor flow

2 votes

Methods for interpolating from points that are not on a regular grid?

2 votes

Explicitly including boundary points in a set of finite-difference equations

2 votes

Finite Difference Grid Spacing and Scaling

2 votes

1-D incompressible unsteady Couette Flow Explicit finite differece CFD

2 votes

Deposition model in laminar flow

1 vote

A program to simulate cellular automaton model

1 vote

Debugging an implemented numerical method: which term gives the drop in accuracy?

1 vote

Outlet boundary conditions in lattice Boltzmann method

1 vote

Flow past square cylinder benchmark in 2D. Famous papers to compare

1 vote

Generate paraview plot of an ensight .case without launching the paraview gui

1 vote

How to represent CFD result when I use grid-centered FVM?

1 vote

Prevent single node spikes in a FEM-simulation (using continuous Galerkin)

1 vote

How to deal with pseudo-compressibility of lattice Boltzmann method when you are calculating mass flux?

1 vote

Packing spheres inside a geometry

1 vote

FEM and High Performance Computing

0 votes

Integrate using Composite Simpson's rule

0 votes

Computational Physics: Finding the Diffusion Coefficient from the Discretized Diffusion Equation

0 votes

What is a common file/data format for a mesh (for FEM)?