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spektr's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
  • United States
53 votes

The easiest way to find intersection of two intervals

25 votes

Is it possible to have a career in SciComp without contributing to arms research?

15 votes

C++ Best practices for dealing with many constants, variables in scientific codes

15 votes

What is this regularization technique?

10 votes

Going back in time in an initial value problem

10 votes

Symbolic computation vs. numerical computation

8 votes

Why should non-convexity be a problem in optimization?

8 votes

Will the numerical solving of the differential equation be wrong if I take the step too small?

7 votes

Derivatives Approximation on non uniform grid

7 votes

Learning parameters of noise and filter coefficients from data where data and noise both have Gaussian distributions

6 votes

Looking for an accurate algorithm to find the area of a oscillatory function

6 votes

Implementation of the Jacobian-free Newton method

6 votes

Advantages and disadvantages of space-time finite element methods

5 votes

Gradient of function after renormalization of variables

4 votes

Discretizing time term for PDEs

4 votes

How to derive the stability of time stepping schemes?

4 votes

Choice of Newton-Cotes formulae for regularly gridded multi-dimensional data

4 votes

Galerkin method for a system of nonlinear PDEs

4 votes

What is this discrete optimization problem called?

4 votes

How can you calculate catastrophic cancellation error?

3 votes

BFGS Constrained Optimization Failure Due to Precision Loss

3 votes

Getting Extremal Rays of Cone

3 votes

Does computing all shortest paths in a simple graph result in a complete graph that follows a metric?

3 votes

Calculating the Jacobian for a function containing a derivative

3 votes

Equation of motion by RK4 method

3 votes

Algorithm suggestion for PDE - example: heat equation

3 votes

Solving $\sum_r \frac {\mathrm B_{z_r}(a+m_r+1,b)}{\mathrm B_{z_r}(a+m_r,b)}=K$ for $a$ and $b$

3 votes

For finding the track of an object through space(3d) over time, what is the correct slope equation to use in the algorithm?

3 votes

Why are upwind schemes stable in convection flow calculation?

3 votes

Help implementing finite difference scheme for heat equation