Following the discussion in the comments below, I downloaded the CVX Toolbox and did a direct comparison with the Chebfun Remez algorithm (disclaimer: I am part of the Chebfun development team):
% Do the convex optimization bit.
m = 101; n = 11; % 101 points, polynomial of degree 10
xi = linspace(-1, 1, m); % equidistant points in [-1, 1]
ri = 1 ./ (1+(5*xi).^2); % Runge function
tic % p is the polynomial of degree (n-1)
cvx_begin % minimize the distance in all points
variable p(n);
minimize( max(abs(polyval(p, xi) - ri)) );
toc_or = toc % 0.17 sec for Matlab, CVX and SeDuMi
% Extract a Chebfun from the result
x = chebfun( [-1,1] );
A = [ chebfun(1) , x ];
for k=3:n, A(:,k) = A(:,k-1).*x; end
or = A * flipud(p)
% Make a chebfun of Runge's function
f = chebfun( @(x) 1 ./ ( 1 + 25*x.^2 ) )
% Get the best approximation using Remez
tic, cr = remez( f , 10 ); toc_cr = toc
% Get the maximum error in each case
fprintf( 'maximum error of convex optimization: %e (%f s)\n' , norm( f - or , inf ) , toc_or );
fprintf( 'maximum error of chebfun remez: %e (%f s)\n' , norm( f - cr , inf ) , toc_cr );
% Plot the two error curves
plot( [ f - cr , f - or ] );
legend( 'chebfun remez' , 'convex optimization' );
After a lot of output, I get, on my laptop with Matlab 2012a, CVX version 1.22 and Chebfun's latest SVN Snapshot:
maximum error of convex optimization: 6.665479e-02 (0.138933 s)
maximum error of chebfun remez: 6.592293e-02 (0.309443 s)
Note that the Chebfun f
used to measure the error is accurate to 15 digits. So Chebfun's Remez takes twice as long, but gets a smaller global error. It should be pointed out that CVX uses compiled code for the optimization whereas Chebfun is 100% native Matlab. The minimum error of 0.00654
is the minimum error 'on the grid', off that grid, the error can be up to 0.00659
. Increasing the grid size to m = 1001
I get
maximum error of convex optimization: 6.594361e-02 (0.272887 s)
maximum error of chebfun remez: 6.592293e-02 (0.319717 s)
i.e. almost the same speed, but the discrete optimization is still worse as of the fourth decimal digit. Finally, ncreasing the grid size further to m = 10001
I get
maximum error of convex optimization: 6.592300e-02 (5.177657 s)
maximum error of chebfun remez: 6.592293e-02 (0.312316 s)
i.e. the discrete optimization is now more than ten times slower and is still worse as of the sixth digit.
The bottom line is that Remez will get you the globally optimal result. While the discrete analog may be fast on small grids, it will not give a correct result.