
I have a question which I think should be pretty simple. I have written a subroutine in Fortran which will compute the Gradient at a point of the form

subroutine get_gradient(xyz, Grad)

where xyz is a 3x1 array and Grad is also a 3x1 array. The gradient method is a fourth order accurate method where the step is chosen inside the algorithm. Based on this, is there a simple way to use it to then turn around and generate the Hessian at xyz?

for example something like

for i = 1,3
  for j = 1,3
    txyz = xyz
    xyz(i) = xyz(i) + h
    xyz(j) = xyz(j) + h
    call get_gradient(xyz, Grad)
    Hess(i,:) = Hess(i,:) + Grad
    Hess(:,j) = Hess(:,j) + Grad

I know the previous loop will not give the Hessian, but the idea is there - use the gradient method to construct the Hessian. Is there a simple algorithm which will do this?

  • $\begingroup$ You might explore the BFGS method which does exactly that, compute from pairs of displacements and gradient differences approximations of the Hessian. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 6, 2014 at 17:46

2 Answers 2


Hessian is in simple terms the Jacobian of the gradient. So if you compute the Jacobian as in: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacobian_matrix_and_determinant

form the gradient, you would obtain Hessian Matrix. While it may not be the best way to compute Hessian, it might be sufficient to do it.


As it turns out the answer is quite simple. In this example, f1, f2, f3, f4 are all 3x1 arrays.

  do ixyz = 1,3
    ! x+2h
    txyz = xyz
    txyz(ixyz) = txyz(ixyz) + two*h
    call get_grad(txyz, f1)
    ! x+h
    txyz = xyz
    txyz(ixyz) = txyz(ixyz) + h
    call get_grad(txyz, f2)
    ! x-h
    txyz = xyz
    txyz(ixyz) = txyz(ixyz) - h
    call get_grad(txyz, f3)
    ! x-2h
    txyz = xyz
    txyz(ixyz) = txyz(ixyz) - two*h
    call get_grad(txyz, f4)
    HessianRho(ixyz,:) = HessianRho(ixyz,:) + (-f1 + 8.0_rkind*(f2-f3) + f4)/(h*12.0_rkind)
    HessianRho(:,ixyz) = HessianRho(:,ixyz) + (-f1 + 8.0_rkind*(f2-f3) + f4)/(h*12.0_rkind)
  HessianRho = HessianRho/two

This will generate the Hessian in a symmetric manner (which is why we do (ixyz,:) as well as (:,ixyz) and then divide by 2)


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