The set-up is the following:
We have $K$ finite sets of real numbers,
i.e. sets $G_i, i=1 \dotsc, K$ and $|G_i| = n_i < \infty$.
Furthermore, assume that we have a function
$$ h: \mathbb R^K \to \mathbb R $$
which is monotonically increasing in each component.
Similarly, there is another function $$g: \mathbb R^K \to \mathbb R$$,which does not necessarily fullfill the monotonicity condition.
The optimization problem I want to solve is the following:
Find $$\max_{(x_1,\dotsc,x_K) \in G_1 \times \dotsc \times G_K} h(x_1,\dotsc, x_K)$$
subject to $$g(x_1,\dotsc, x_K) \leq c$$, where $c$ is a pre-specified constant. The naive approach takes $2\prod_{i=1}^{K}n_i$ function evaluations (evaluate $h$, check condition defined by $g$).
By how much can we improve this by using the componentwise monotonicity of $h$? What if we also assume that $g$ is also increasing in each component?