This is a follow up to this question.
I have a nonlinear BVP on $x=0$ to $L$:
(T^2)\frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial x^2} + T \left( \frac{\partial T}{\partial x}\right)^2 + Q = 0
to which I apply a finite difference discretization. The parameter $Q$ is a constant.There is a Dirichlet boundary condition at $x = 0$ and Robin at $x = L$:
(T^2)\frac{\partial T_L}{\partial x} = h(T-T_{\infty})
Where $h$ is a physical constant and $T_{\infty}$ is the ambient temperature. My approach is similar to this using the ghost cell method. I sub-divide the grid into $N$ grid points with subscript indices $0,\ldots,N$ and discretize the Robin bc as follows:
(T_N^2)\frac{T_{N+1} - T_{N-1}}{2\Delta x} = h(T_N - T_{\infty})
where $T_{N+1}$ extends beyond the grid to the "ghost cell." Re-arranging:
T_{N+1} = \frac{2\Delta xh}{T_N^2}(T_N-T_{\infty}) + T_{N-1}
Discretization of the BVP at grid point $N$ (right boundary, $x = L$) yields a nonlinear algebraic equation in function of $T_{N-1},\, T_N,\,T_{N+1}$. I can eliminate $T_{N+1}$ using the discretized Robin bc.
I can use Newton iteration to solve this system and it will work. The equation, however, is complicated and likewise is the Jacobian. Making a mistake when computing the derivatives or even programming seems likely.
My Question: Is there a better or more commonly used way of handling this Robin boundary condition than the ghost cell method (like some sort or linearization of the bc)?
Thanks for any help.