I am trying to solve the CDR-Equation in 2D:
$$\frac{\partial c(x,y)}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot ( -d\nabla c(x,y) + \vec{v}(x,y) c(x,y))+ a c(x,y)=0\,,$$ with Boundary Conditions (length of square is $L$): $$c(0,y)=0$$ $$-d\nabla c(L,y) + v(L,y) (c(L,y))=0\,.$$. $$ c(x,y=0)=0$$ $$ c(x,y=L)=0$$
1.) Why exactly is this equation stiff? Does it depend on the reaction term $ac(x,y)$?
2.) Can I solve the equation with the Crank-Nicholson method? Is the error huge? If yes, what is the best method?