Allow me to introduce a linear time, $C\cdot O(N) + O(W\cdot H)$ algorithm where $C$ denotes the number of circles, plus some small coefficient, and $O(W\cdot H)$ is always constant. In this one, you will not need KD-trees, which make it $O(N\cdot log(N))$ anyways. This of course, comes at the expense of some additional space consumption - though KD-trees also do, and a very acceptable approximation in certain cases.
What one could do is to render the circles on a fixed spatial domain, such as an image, and find the connected components on that image. It is then possible to directly find the equivalences, from the components in the image. Here is a pseudo-code of the idea:
$\mathbf{I}$ $\leftarrow$ $\text{empty image}$
$\text{for all} (circle \in \mathbf{C}$) $\{$
$\mathbf{I} \gets \text{render_circle}(\mathbf{I}$, $circle$)
$\mathbf{CC} \gets \text{conn_comp}(\mathbf{I})$
$\text{look-up the label of each } circle \in \mathbf{C} \text{ from }\mathbf{CC}$
If one likes to consider the nested circles as connected, then the rendering (e.g. using Bresenham or midpoint algorithm) should be made filled, otherwise, boundary drawing is sufficient and makes the algorithm far more efficient (image is never fully traversed).
Let's take the following configuration:
The connected components, $\mathbf{CC}$, looks like:
and the mapping array contains values such as: $[2 ,3, 1, 2, 1, 4]$.
Below, I provide a very dirty, but hopefully working solution in MATLAB. It can be implemented much more efficiently, but this one in general, demonstrates the concept.
close all;
% some experimental parameters
n = 6; % # circles
width = 256;
height = 256;
maxRadius = 60;
% generate some random data
cx = rand(n, 1)*width;
cy = rand(n, 1)*height;
r = 4+rand(n, 1)*maxRadius;
circIds = cell(width*height, 1); % image, where each pixel is a an array
% now render the circles to integer coordinates
figure, hold on;
for i=1:n
h = viscircles([cx(i), cy(i)], r(i), 'Color', colors(i,:));
list = double(midPointCircle(r(i), cx(i), cy(i)));
li = double(list(:,2));
lj = double(list(:,1));
invalid = (li<=0 | li>height | lj<=0 | lj>width);
ind = sub2ind(([height, width]), li, lj);
for j=1:length(circIds(ind))
circIds(ind(j)) = {[cell2mat(circIds(ind(j))) i]};
drawnow; hold off;
% compute the label image
I = zeros(height, width);
Ilogical = (false(height, width));
for i=1:length(circIds)
C = circIds{i};
for j=1:length(C)
[row, col] = ind2sub(([height, width]), i);
I(row, col) = C(j);
Ilogical(row, col) = 1;
figure, imagesc(I);
% find the connected components on the image
Ccomp = bwlabel(Ilogical,8); % O(WH)
figure, imagesc(Ccomp);
mapping = zeros(n, 1);
% now collect the equivalences
for i=1:length(circIds)
C = circIds{i};
for j=1:length(C)
[row, col] = ind2sub(([height, width]), i);
mapping(C(j)) = Ccomp(row, col);
if (all(mapping))
if (all(mapping))
% the final connected components