
I found after some research that the most numerically stable way to solve the least squares problem is through QR factorization. For $n$ number of observations and $p$ number of parameters it takes the following form:

$$Q_{n,p}R_{p,p} = X_{n, p} $$

Where $R$ is a square upper-triangular and $Q$ is orthogonal. And the solution is:

$$ \mathbf{\hat{\beta}} = \left(\mathbf{X}^T \mathbf{X}\right)^{-1} \mathbf{X}^T z $$ $$ \mathbf{\hat{\beta}} = R^{-1} Q^T z $$

I am interested on continuouly update my least squares model $\hat{\beta}$ as new data arrives $x_{n+1},x_{n+2},x_{n+3}... \in R^{p}$, we can define $X^{*} = \begin{bmatrix} X \\ x_{n+1} \\ x_{n+2} \\ ... \end{bmatrix}$ with added rows and items on $y$.

I found that is somehow called rank k matrix update or related to symmetric rank k update (SYRK) level 3 BLAS. I could not find more information on how formulate this on my LS QR factorization.

Any ideas or hints are really welcome.


2 Answers 2


SYRK is not really relevant here I think; it is just something else that happens to have the same name "rank k update".

In your case, you need to know how to update a QR factorization by inserting rows; a good reference is Golub, Van Loan, section 6.5.3: Appending or Deleting a Row.

Many computational environments have it already implemented for you, see e.g., Matlab's qrinsert, Python's scipy.linalg.qr_insert, Julia's QRupdate.jl, or this Fortran package.

  • $\begingroup$ unfortunately I guess this is not usually GPU optimized $\endgroup$
    – imbr
    Commented Mar 3, 2020 at 11:11
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ No, not that I know. I don't even know if there is anything optimized for adding multiple rows at the same time. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 3, 2020 at 11:16

If you will be adding lots of rows, then you will want to use the tall skinny QR algorithm (TSQR) of Demmel et al, 2008,


This algorithm can be combined with the level 3 BLAS QR algorithm of Elmroth and Gustavson, 2000 to efficiently update the factorization with each new block of rows. It is best to save the new rows into a large block and do one update, rather than update with one row at a time.

A C implementation can be found in the GSL library,



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