I want to solve Laplace equation:
$$\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2}+\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial y^2}=0$$
in the domain $0<x<1$, $0<y<1$, with non-homogeneous boundary conditions $u(x=0,y)=1$ and $u(x=1,y)=u(x,y=0)=u(x,y=1)=0$.
An analytical solution using Fourier series is simple and gives the solution:
Now I want to (approximately) solve it using Galerkin method.
I am following Fletcher's book (Fletcher - Computational Galerkin Methods). I have checked here and here.
I tried writing a code to find the approximate solution, given in the form
$$F_{ij}(x,y)=\sin(i \pi x) \sin(j \pi y)$$
(I tried also with cos, and sin+cos).
and the initial approximation $u_0(x,y) = u_0 = (1-x)$ to satisfy the B.C. Solution should be
$$ u\approx \sum_i \sum_j a_{ij} F_{ij} + u_0$$
The problem: since the basis function are orthogonal to each other, by the method of weighted residuals, all coefficients are always zero.
I even tried to compute it with the code:
clc; clear;
syms x y real positive
syms i j integer positive
% differential equation
L = @(u) diff(u,x,2) + diff(u,y,2); % linear operator on differential equation
% L = @(u) diff(u,x,2); % linear operator on differential equation
% f = sym(1); % R.H.S.
f = sym(0); % R.H.S.
% boundary location
xl = sym([0 1]);
yl = sym([0 1]);
pi = sym(pi)
F = sin(i*pi*x)*sin(j*pi*y) % trial function
u0 = (1-x)
M = 3;
N = 3;
ii = 1:M;
jj = 0:N;
ij = combvec(ii,jj);
for n=1:size(ij,2)
phi(n) = subs(F,[i,j],[ij(1,n),ij(2,n)]); % basis functions
syms a0
a = sym("a",size(phi));
u = sym(0);
u = u+u0; % initial approximation, to satisfy BC
for n=1:length(a)
u = u+a(n)*phi(n);
% residual
r = L(u)-f+L(u0);
% inner product
inner = @(u,v) int(int(u*v,x,xl(1),xl(2)),y,yl(1),yl(2));
% form linear system of equations for coefficients aij
for n=1:length(a)
R(n) = inner(r,phi(n)) == 0;
a_coef = solve(R,a)
a_coef = struct2cell(a_coef)'
u_a = subs(u,a,a_coef);
I can't find what exactly is wrong here. Perhaps the trial functions are wrong?
How to solve this particular equation, with the given boundary conditions?