Maybe those subroutines will help you. They are not as efficient as I would like and one of the LAPACK calls simply destroys the solution (the commented one) but as it is below, it works!
program testando
implicit none
integer(4) :: i,j
real(8), dimension(2,2,3) :: A
real(8), dimension(2,2,3) :: B,C
real(8), dimension(2,3) :: xb
real(8), dimension(2,3) :: x
do i = 1,3
A(1,1,i) = 4.0d0
A(1,2,i) = 3.0d0
A(2,1,i) = 3.0d0
A(2,2,i) = 2.0d0
end do
do i = 1,3
B(1,1,i) = 8.0d0
B(1,2,i) = 6.0d0
B(2,1,i) = 6.0d0
B(2,2,i) = 4.0d0
C(1,1,i) = 16.0d0
C(1,2,i) = 9.0d0
C(2,1,i) = 9.0d0
C(2,2,i) = 6.0d0
end do
do i = 1, 2
do j = 1, 3
xb(i,j) = 3.0d0
end do
end do
call cc299blktriad(A,B,C,2,3,xb,x)
! answer
write(*,*) "x(1) = 5.8571429"
write(*,*) "x(2) = -8.9220779"
write(*,*) "x(3) = 0.5714286"
write(*,*) "x(4) = -0.3116883"
write(*,*) "x(5) = 1.8571429"
write(*,*) "x(6) = -2.3766234"
write(*,*) "Calculated..."
do j = 1, 3
do i = 1, 2
write(*,*) "x(",i,") = ",x(i,j)
end do
end do
end program testando
subroutine cc299blktriad(maind,lower,upper,id,md,xb,x)
!| B(1) C(1) | | xb(1) |
!| A(2) B(2) C(2) | | |
!| A(3) B(3) | | |
!| . . |*| | = B[1:mb*3]
!| . . | | |
!| . C(mb-1)| | |
!| A(mb) B(mb) | |xb(n*id)|
! id = inner matrices dimension.
! md = number matrices.
! maind = main diagonal of matrices format: maind(id,id,md)
! lower = lower diagonal of matrices format: lower(id,id,2:md)
! upper = upper diagonal of matrices format: maind(id,id,md-1)
! xb = B vector in Ax=B format: xb(md*id)
! x = x vector in Ax=B format: x(md*id)
implicit none
! +++ Inputs +++
! Scalar input variables.
integer(kind=4) :: id,md
! Main diagonal of matrices.
real(kind=8), dimension(id,id,md) :: maind
! Lower diagonal of matrices.
real(kind=8), dimension(id,id,md) :: lower
! Upper diagonal of matrices.
real(kind=8), dimension(id,id,md) :: upper
! Vector of equalties B in Ax=B.
real(kind=8), dimension(id,md) :: xb
! Vector of answers x in Ax=B.
real(kind=8), dimension(id,md) :: x
! ++ Inside variables ++
! Scalar variables
integer(kind=4) :: i,ii,jj
! Array of gamma coefficients.
real(kind=8), dimension(id,id,md) :: gamm
! Array of beta coefficients.
real(kind=8), dimension(id,md) :: beta
! Auxiliary arrays.
real(kind=8), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: aux_copy
real(kind=8), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: aux_mult
real(kind=8), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: aux_summ
real(kind=8), allocatable, dimension(:) :: aux_dumm
! Lets first get our first gamma.
call dlacpy('A',id,id,maind(:,:,1),id,aux_copy,id)
call inv(aux_copy,aux_copy,id)
call dgemm('N','N',id,id,id,1.0d0,aux_copy,id, &
! Now that we have our first gamma, let's get the rest of them.
do i = 2, md-1
call dgemm('N','N',id,id,id,1.0d0,lower(:,:,i),id, &
do jj = 1, id
do ii = 1, id
aux_summ(ii,jj) = maind(ii,jj,i) - aux_mult(ii,jj)
end do
end do
call inv(aux_summ,aux_summ,id)
call dgemm('N','N',id,id,id,1.0d0,aux_summ,id, &
end do
! Now that we have our gammas, let's get the betas, starting from the first
! ones. Note that now the calls done by the Lapack library will get a bit
! more complicated so let's use matmul...
call dlacpy('A',id,id,maind(:,:,1),id,aux_copy,id)
call inv(aux_copy,aux_copy,id)
beta(:,1) = matmul(aux_copy,xb(:,1))
! We now have our first beta, lets get the rest.
do i = 2, md
! This LAPACK call does not work .... I dont know why.
!call dgemm('N','N',id,id,id,1.0d0,lower(:,:,i),id, &
! gamm(:,:,i-1),id,1.0d0,aux_mult(:,:),id)
aux_mult(:,:) = matmul(lower(:,:,i),gamm(:,:,i-1))
do jj = 1, id
do ii = 1, id
aux_summ(ii,jj) = maind(ii,jj,i) - aux_mult(ii,jj)
end do
end do
call inv(aux_summ,aux_summ,id)
aux_dumm(:) = xb(:,i) - matmul(lower(:,:,i),beta(:,i-1))
beta(:,i) = matmul(aux_summ(:,:),aux_dumm(:))
end do
! How cool is that, lets start build our solution vector... iupiiii!
x(:,md) = beta(:,md)
do i = md-1,1,-1
aux_dumm(:) = matmul(gamm(:,:,i),x(:,i+1))
do ii = 1, id
x(ii,i) = beta(ii,i) - aux_dumm(ii)
end do
end do
end subroutine cc299blktriad
subroutine inv(A,A_inv,m)
Implicit none
integer :: m
real(8), dimension(m,m)::A, A_inv
integer info
A_inv = A
call DGETRF(M,M,A_inv,M,IPIV,info)
if (info /= 0) then
write(*,*)"DGETRF: Failed during matrix factorization"
end if
call DGETRI(M,A_inv,M,IPIV,WORK,M,info)
if (info /= 0) then
write(*,*)"DGETRI: Failed during matrix inversion."
end if
end subroutine inv
You have to link LAPACK to run it. With gfortran and a proper LAPACK installation in OpenSUSE the line is:
gfortran -g -llapack -lblas <program> -o block
Any tips on how to improve the performance of this subroutine will be welcome as well as why the LAPACK call is not working.