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2 votes
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Interpolation of 1D solution from an original grid to a new grid

I have a solution of a 1D wave on a grid (tangent hyperbolic variation) and now I want to interpolate the obtained solution to a new grid with the same number of points as the previous grid but the ...
Avii's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Linear interpolation in Fortran

Is there a Fortran subroutine which performs linear interpolation in one-dimenional data? I need something similar to MATLAB function interp1.
kyperros's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Fortran, making a more efficient bilinear interpolation

I'm trying to write an efficient bilinear (2D)-interpolation, after reading some recipes, as a fortran-mex for Matlab that is used extensively throughout a long algorithm of solar image processing, ...
Wall-E's user avatar
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6 votes
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Grid mapping from an unstructured triangular mesh to a regular rectangular mesh

I am modeling fracture propagation using a 2-D dynamic unstructured grid. As the fracture propagates over time, the elements move accordingly. For a given time step, I would like to interpolate the ...
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