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2 answers

Solve $AX=B$ where $A$ is a skyline matrix

Solve a matrix equation of the type $AX=B$, where $A$ is an $n \times n$ symmetric matrix stored in the form of symmetric skyline matrix. With the solution given by Bill and some more research on ...
Chaitanya Krishna's user avatar
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4 answers

Constructing sparsity pattern of the Jacobian of a FORTRAN subroutine

I need to calculate the Jacobian matrix of a subroutine F(U). Both F and U are of size N(=O($10^5$)). Using Tapenade, I differentiated the routine in tangent mode. I cannot calculate the full Jacobian ...
0b1100001's user avatar
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Fortran solver for the Sparse LSE problem

I was wondering if there is a Fortran library that contains a solver for the Sparse LSE(linear equality-constrained least squares) problem $$ min_{x}\|Cx-d\|^2 \text{ subject to } Ax=b $$ where $A$ ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Solving sparse linear equations with an iterative, out-of-core algorithm

Is there an iterative sparse parallel linear equation solver with out-of-core capabilities? I need to solve a very large system of equations. I have implemented direct sparse parallel solvers in-core ...
kyperros's user avatar
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How to get sparse complex matrices from my code to PETSc efficiently

What is the most efficient way to get a complex sparse matrix from my Fortran code to PETSc? I understand that this is problem dependent, so I tried to give as many relevant details as possible below. ...
Ondřej Čertík's user avatar