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Eulerian vs Lagrangian vs Mesh-based vs Meshfree/Meshless methods

Hailing from the scicomp community recently getting into computer-graphics, I have noticed that the scicomp communities talk about mesh-based methods like FDM, FVM, FEM, etc, vs meshfree or meshless ...
Fi Zixer's user avatar
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Dirichlet term in error estimations

I am working on a method based on moving least square approximation where shape functions do not satisfy Kroneker Delta property. So Dirichlet boundary condition should be enforced. I usually used ...
Rosa's user avatar
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Meshless Methods and the Kronecker Delta Property

In texts I often read that meshless methods, as opposed to the FEM, do not exhibit the Kronecker Delta Property [1]: $N_I(x_J)\neq\delta_{IJ} = \begin{cases}1 &\mbox{if } I=J \\0 &\mbox{...
Matthias's user avatar
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How to determine the support/influence domain for irregularly distributed nodes in the Element-Free Galekin Method?

EDIT (26-12-14):In the Belytschko's EFG code, the domain of influence for uniform distributed node can be calculated using the code below; my question is how to calculate xspac and yspac when the ...
Adesola Ademiloye's user avatar
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Could you give examples of serious usage of meshfree methods?

I would like to hear about scientific codes and commercial packages utilizing meshless methods like Element-Free Galerkin based on Moving Least Squares functions. By "serious" I mean they could be ...
vehsakul's user avatar
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