According to Beatson and Greengard's short course on FMM: ( Eq. 5.15 & 5.16 setting k=1, q=1 )
We can approximate a potential $\phi = 1/(r-R)$ using:
$$ {1\over |\vec{r}-\vec{R}|} = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}{r^n\over R^{n+1}} {4\pi\over(2n+1)} \sum_{m=-n}^{n} Y_n^{-m}(\theta, \phi) Y_l^m(\theta', \phi') $$
I tried this in Python, the error is such that:
$$ \left| \phi(P)-\sum_{n=0}^p\sum_{m=-n}^{n} ( \cdots ) \right| \le {1 \over R-r}\left( r\over R \right)^{p+1} $$
def potential_expansion( p,
r1, theta1, phi1,
r2, theta2, phi2 ):
Return inverse r potential expansion upto the pth term.
p - terms in the expansion to return
r1, theta1, phi1 - position vector components for r
r2, theta2, phi2 - position vector components for R
coefficients = np.zeros( (p+1, p+1), complex )
for n in xrange(p+1):
for m in xrange(-n, n+1):
coefficient = sph_harm( m, n, theta1, phi1 )*sph_harm( -m, n, theta2, phi2)
coefficients[n][m] = 4*pi/(2*n+1)*(r2/r1)**n/r1*coefficient
return coefficients.sum().real
Using this method I am getting wrong results, taking a simple example
p = 5
r1 = 100.
theta1 = 0.
phi1 = 0.
r2 = 1.
theta2 = pi/2.
phi2 = 0.
cosgamma = cos(theta1)*cos(theta2)+sin(theta1)*sin(theta2)*cos(phi1-phi2)
potential = 1/root( r1**2 + r2**2 - 2*r1*r2*cosgamma)
print "Direct calculation: %s" % potential
approx_potential = potential_expansion(p, r1, theta1, phi1, r2, theta2, phi2)
print "Approximation: %s" % approx_potential
print "Error: %s" % np.abs((approx_potential - potential))
print "Upper bound on error: %s" % (1/(r1-r2)*(r2/r1)**(p+1))
This outputs completely wrong results:
Direct calculation:0.0099995000375
Upper bound on error:1.0101010101e-14
Should I investigate whether or not this is a floating point error? If so, how can I go about this?
function don't swap what they mean by $\theta$ and $\phi$ for the spherical angles. From the scipy documentation: "There are different conventions for the meaning of input arguments theta and phi. We take theta to be the azimuthal angle and phi to be the polar angle. It is common to see the opposite convention - that is theta as the polar angle and phi as the azimuthal angle." $\endgroup$