I am using a multigrid preconditioned GMRES method for a nonsymmetric matrix. The matrix is the discretisation of the derivative of a nonlinear operator. Since multigrid is not the best for nonsymmetric problems I am preconditioning the 'symmetric part' of the matrix, where I am taking the symmetric part of matrix $A$ to be $(A + A^{\text{T}})/2$, where $A^{\text{T}}$ is the transpose of $A$.
My problem is that the 'symmetric part' of the matrix that I get is not positive definite. I was wondering if there is a way to get a symmetric positive definite part of a matrix which is just some manipulation of the original matrix, i.e.
$\tilde{A} = F(A)$
for $F$ some function of $A$
EDIT: From the comments and answers below I realise that I have not included a large part of the important information required for my question, so here is some supplementary information. I am using a standard geometric multigrid implementation with a pointwise Jacobi / Gauss-Seidel smoother. I am aware that using a smoothing operator that is tailored to the specific operator that I am dealing with will give better results, but I am assessing the effectiveness of the standard linear geometric multigrid implementation for some problems I am interested in. As such I ideally want to be applying the multigrid iteration to a symmetric positive definite matrix. I have information about the linear operator that I can use to get a matrix to precondition which is symmetric positive definite and 'close to' the matrix I am interested in inverting, which works quite well. What I am particularly interested in, though, is knowing if there is some 'black box' function which can give a symmetric positive definite matrix for the preconditioning that will be 'good' for a given matrix, without having knowledge of where the given matrix came from