In order to estimate the eigenvalues of a real symmetric $n\times n$ matrix, I intend to use the Gershgorin Circle Theorem. Unfortunately, the examples one might find on the internet are a bit confusing; What would be the mathematical formula for deriving the eigenvalue estimates?
I understand that certain disks are formed, each centered at the diagonal entry, with the radius equal to the summation of absolute values of the associated off-diagonal row entries. (The example from
is clear with the disks, but not with the eigenvalue estimation) Which steps to take from this point to get the estimates on the eigenvalues?
From Theorem 2.1 in
one could understand the eigenvalue $ranges$, but the example 2.3 from the above paper gives concrete eigenvalue estimates (some of which are negative). I would appreciate if someone explains this. I'm interested in the largest (positive) and smallest (possibly negative) eigenvalue estimates.