I have 4 ordinary differential equations that are coupled. The variables in the 4 equations are functions of time and space and one of them is second order in space.
\begin{equation} \frac{ \partial t_g}{ \partial t} = \frac {hp(t_m-tg)}{A(\rho_gCp_g)}- u\frac { \partial t_g}{ \partial x} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{ \partial t_m}{ \partial t} = \frac{k_{sub}A_{sub}}{(\rho_mA_mCp_m)+(\rho_{sub}A_{sub}Cp_{sub})}\frac{ \partial^2 t_m}{ \partial x^2} + \frac{ h_mp(\rho_{vg}-\rho_{vm})h_{ads}}{ (\rho_mA_mCp_m)+(\rho_{sub}A_{sub}Cp_{sub})} - \frac {hp(t_m-t_g)}{(\rho_mA_mCp_m)+(\rho_{sub}A_{sub}Cp_{sub}} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac { \partial \rho_{vg}}{ \partial t} = - \frac {h_mp( \rho_{vg} -\rho_{vm})}{A} - \frac {u \partial \rho_{vg}}{ \partial x} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac { \partial \gamma_m}{ \partial t} = \frac {h_mp(\rho_{vg}-\rho_{vm})}{ \rho_mA_m} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac { \gamma_m}{ \gamma_{max}} = \frac {1}{1-c+ \frac{c}{ \phi}} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \phi = 4.09(10^{-9})t_m\rho_{vm}(e^\frac{-5196}{t_m}) \end{equation}
$t_g$, $t_m$, $\rho_{vg}$, $\rho_{vm}$, and $\gamma_m$ are the variables.
I am looking to solve this in Python. What is the best way to proceed?
I have the Boundary and Initial Conditions corresponding to these equations. But, having never used Python to solve such a problem, I am unsure whether to use a function like odeint
or to type out the forward difference scheme.