I'm not exactly sure what type of framework for LU are you using, as one can apply ACA to various different setups. And to make it explicit, the approach you are working on right now, and I am going to propose does not give you an LU-decomposition. It is an approximation of an LU-decomposition in some form.
Since you are using a non-singular kernel, I guess you can try to compress the whole matrix. Usually, those methods are applied to singular kernels and then you have a hierarchical pattern, when you subdivide you matrix into blocks in a multilevel fashion and most of them are compressible. Those blocks would be computed using some fast technique, like ACA. It's worth mentioning, that ACA is less than ideal, has troubles with the controlled accuracy and etc. Then, you can factorize the matrix. The approach I described is pretty much Hierarchical matrix ($\mathcal H$-matrix) approach, developed by Dr. W. Hackbusch http://www.hmatrix.org/
To cut along story short, that approach allows for $\mathcal O(k_\text{max}^3N\log^2N)$ LU decomposition and $\mathcal O(k_\text{max}^3N\log N)$ for back substitution and pretty well parallelizable via OpenMP. Notice, here $k_\text{max}$ is the maximum rank, that for ACA would mean the number of skeletons. Of course, that assumes that you have a nice balanced partitioning. Details and limitations are available in numerous papers on $\mathcal H$-matrix papers.
Take a look at this approach, and their available $\mathcal H$lib library, that is available to the public. Other suggestion might include several other frameworks, like HSS, that I know about (but much less familiar), and more from computational electromagnetics:
J. Shaeffer, "Million plus unknown MOM LU factorization on a PC," 2015 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), Turin, 2015, pp. 62-65. doi: 10.1109/ICEAA.2015.7297075
S. Kapur and D. E. Long, "N-body problems: IES3: Efficient electrostatic and electromagnetic simulation," in IEEE Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 60-67, Oct.-Dec. 1998. doi: 10.1109/MCSE.1998.7102081