I have got a large sparse matrix $A \in \mathbb R^{n \times n}$ and I want to find non-trivial elements in the kernel/nullspace of this matrix. How can this be done? I would like to learn more about a particular method that seems to be folklore.
Most people that I have talked to regard this problem as an instance of an eigenvalue problem and recommend, e.g., the power method for this. For general $A$, this might a very good recommendation. But assume $A$ is symmetric-positive semidefinite, like, e.g., the stiffness matrix of the Poisson system with natural boundary conditions.
Let us choose some random vector $x_0 \in \mathbb R^n$, which can be assembled by a probability distribution. Let us use the Conjugate Residual method (CRM) with $x_0$ as a starting vector and right-hand side $0 \in \mathbb R^n$ (!). The CRM converges to a solution $x \in \mathbb R^n$. This solution is the projection of $x_0$ along the range of $A$ onto the nullspace of $A$. With high probability, we have found a non-trivial nullspace vector.
Similar ideas can be applied to many other Krylow space iterative methods. Whereas I have been told that this trick is generally known, it seems to be folklore. But it seems to be too useful for me to not even have a proper name.
Does this "trick" have a proper name, and why does it lead such a shadowy existence?