I'm having lots of troubles in understanding the proof the estimation of the classical $H^1$ error using finite elements of degree $r$.
$$||u-u_h||_{H^1(\Omega)} \leq \frac{M}{\alpha} C h^r |u|_{H^{r+1}(\Omega)}$$ where $M$ and $\alpha$ are the operator norm and the coercivity constant, respectively and $C$ is a constand independent on $h$.
My book (Quarteroni - Numerical methods for differential problems) shows this by using the Cèa's lemma and the estimate on the seminorm of the interpolation error. More precisely, it states:
$$||u-u_h||_{H^1(\Omega)} \leq \frac{M}{\alpha} \inf_{v_h \in V_h} ||u - v_h||_{H^1(\Omega)} \leq \frac{M}{\alpha} ||u-\Pi^ru||_{H^1(\Omega)}$$ Now use the estimate $$|u-\Pi^r u|_{H^m(\Omega)} \leq Ch^{r+1-m} |u|_{H^{m}(\Omega)}$$ (valid for $m=0,1$ and $r\geq 1$. ) with $m=1$ to conclude
The very last step is what I cannot do: I can't see how to pass from the $H^1$ seminorm to the full $H^1$ norm. I mean, if I need to bound $||u-\Pi^ru||_{H^1(\Omega)}$, how can I use the bound on the seminorm?