I am trying to reproduce the results from the hp-VPINN paper (https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.05385.pdf) on tensorflow (v1) for Poisson's equation, particularly the two-dimensional Poisson equation.
In one dimension the variational loss is given by $$ L^p = \sum_{e=1}^{N_{el}}\frac{1}{K^{(e)}}\sum_{k=1}^{K^{(e)}}\left|\mathcal{R}_k^{(e)}\right|^2 $$
where $N_{el}$ is the number of elements and $K^{(e)}$ is the number of test functions used (in this case corresponding to different degrees of Legendre polynomials)
where $\mathcal{R}_k^{(e)}$ is $$ \mathcal{R}_k^{(e)} = \int_{x_{e-1}}^{x_e} \frac{du_{NN}(x)}{dx} \frac{dv_k^{(e)}(x)}{dx}dx - \left. \frac{du_{NN}(x)}{dx}v_k^{(e)}(x)\right|_{x_{e-1}}^{x_{e}} - F_k^{(e)} $$
with $u_{NN}$ being the network's output and and $v_k^{(e)}$ the test function. The boundary term vanishes since the test functions are such that they are zero on the element boundaries and $F_k^{(e)} = \int_{x_{e-1}}^{x_e} f(x)v_k^{(e)}dx$.
To calculate it Gauss-Lobatto quadrature is used giving the following code
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
u_nn_element = tf.reshape(
* du_nn_quad_element
* dtest_quad_element_dx[i]
for i in range(n_test_functions)
(-1, 1),
f_element = jacobian * np.asarray(
[sum(w_quadrature * f(x_quadrature) * t(x_quadrature) for t in test_functions]
residual_element = u_nn_element - f_element
loss_element = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(residual_nn_element))
total_varloss += loss_element
When combined with the boundary loss (mean squared error for the boundary points at $[-1, 1]$)
In two dimensions the variational loss is given by
$$ L= \sum_{e_x=1}^{N_{el_x}}\sum_{e_y=1}^{N_{el_y}}\frac{1}{K_1K_2}\sum_{k=1}^{K_1K_2}\left|\mathcal{R}_k^{(e_xe_y)}\right|^2 $$
with a residual given by
$$ {}^{(2)} \mathcal{R}_{k_1k_2}^{(e_xe_y)} = - \int_{x_{e-1}}^{x_e}\int_{y_{e-1}}^{y_e} \left(\frac{\partial u_{NN}(x)}{\partial x} \frac{d\phi_{k_1}^{(e_x)}(x)}{dx}\phi_{k_2}^{(e_y)}(y) + \frac{\partial u_{NN}}{\partial y}\phi_{k_1}^{(e_x)}(x)\frac{d\phi_{k_2}^{(e_y)}(y)}{dy} \right) dxdy \\ - F_k^{(e)} $$
with the test functions $\phi_{k_1} \phi_{k2}$
My code attempt has been
l = [
* wx_quadrature
* (
du_nn_dx * dtest_x_quad_element[i] * y_test_quad_element[j]
+ du_nn_dy
* dtest_y_quad_element[j]
* x_test_quad_element[i]
for i in range(n_test_functions_x)
for j in range(n_test_functions_y)
u_nn_element = tf.reshape(
(-1, 1),
# element boundaries
jacobian_x = (x1 - x0) / 2
jacobian_y = (y1 - y0) / 2
f = [
sum(xw_quad * yw_quad * f_quad_element * t1 * t2)
for t1 in self.test_functions
for t2 in self.test_functions
self.f = jacobian_x * jacobian_y * np.asarray(f)
self.f = self.f.flatten()
self.f = self.f[:, None]
residual_nn_element = u_nn_element - f_element
loss_element = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(residual_nn_element))
self.varloss_total += loss_element
though my variational error doesn't converge and the net only learns the boundary values. How is the double integral supposed to look in code?
)? Is the quadrature properly realized as tensor-product (eg., are weights and evaluations of functions matrix-valued)? Why Gauss-Lobatto? Do you use sufficiently many quadrature nodes? $\endgroup$