
Consider the following partial differential equation \begin{align} \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial f}{\partial x} &= g(x,t), \ \ x\in \Omega = [x_{L},x_{R}] \\ u(x,0) &= u_{0}(x) \\ \frac{\partial u}{\partial x}(x_{L},t) &= g_{1}(t) \end{align} where the flux function $f(u,x)$ is nonlinear. Let $\{x_{i}\}_{i=1}^{N+1}$ be a partition of $\Omega$ with $N$ elements such that \begin{equation} x_{L} = x_{1}<x_{2}<\cdots<x_{N}<x_{N+1} = x_{R} \end{equation} and let $D_{k} = [x_{k},x_{k+1}]$. Consider the weak formulation of the problem \begin{equation} \int_{D_{k}} \Bigg[ \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}\phi_{i}^{k} -f(u,x)\frac{d \phi_{i}^{k}}{d x}\Bigg] = \int_{D_{k}} g(x,t)\phi_{i}^{k}-\Big[f^{*}\phi_{i}^{k} \Big]_{x_{k}}^{x_{k+1}} \end{equation} where $f^{*}$ is called numerical flux. If we consider approximations with polynomials of degree $p$, the approximation $u_{h}^{k}$ of $u$ in the element $D_{k}$ is given by \begin{equation} u_{h}^{k} = \sum_{j=1}^{p+1} \alpha_{j}^{k}\phi_{j}^{k} \end{equation} With the contribution of all elements, we get the following ODE \begin{equation} M \dot{\alpha}-r = b-l \end{equation} where the entries of the vectors $b$ and $r$ in the element $D_{k}$ are given by \begin{align} [b_{k}]_{i} &= \int_{D_{k}} g(x,t)\phi_{i}^{k} dx \\ [r_{k}]_{i} &= \int_{D_{k}} f(u,x)\frac{d \phi_{i}^{k}}{d x} dx \end{align} The numerical flux is given by \begin{equation} f^{*} = \{f(u)\}+\frac{C}{2}[\hspace{-0.6mm}[u]\hspace{-0.6mm}] \end{equation} where $C = \max{ |f'(u)| }$, $\{\cdot\}$ is the average and $[\hspace{-0.6mm}[\cdot]\hspace{-0.6mm}]$ is the jump.
The numerical flux vector $l$ in the element $k$ has entries \begin{align} \Big[f^{*}\phi_{i}^{k} \Big]_{x_{k}}^{x_{k+1}} =& \Bigg[ \frac{1}{2}f(u_{h}^{k},x_{k+1})+ \frac{1}{2}f(u_{h}^{k+1},x_{k+1})+\frac{C}{2}u_{h}^{k}-\frac{C}{2}u_{h}^{k+1} \Bigg] \phi_{i}^{k} (x_{k+1}) \\&-\Bigg[ \frac{1}{2}f(u_{h}^{k-1},x_{k})+ \frac{1}{2}f(u_{h}^{k},x_{k})+\frac{C}{2}u_{h}^{k-1}-\frac{C}{2}u_{h}^{k} \Bigg] \phi_{i}^{k} (x_{k}) \end{align}

Case 1: $g_{1}(t) = 0$. In the first element, i.e, for $k=1$, I take $u_{h}^{0} = u_{h}^{1}$ and my implementation works fine.

Case 2: $g_{1}(t) \neq 0$. For $k=1$, I use the following approximation \begin{equation} \frac{u_{h}^{1}-u_{h}^{0}}{h} \approx \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} = g_{1}(t) \end{equation} and then I solve for $u_{h}^{0}$, that is $u_{h}^{0} = u_{h}^{1}-hg_{1}(t)$, where $h$ is the mesh size, but this doesn't work.

My questions are:

  1. Do you know books or papers that explain how to solve this PDE with the DG method?
  2. Do you know how should I take $\{f(u)\}$, $[\hspace{-0.6mm}[u]\hspace{-0.6mm}]$ in order to impose the Neumann boundary condition?
  • $\begingroup$ Both cases do not make sense and are inconsistent. Keep in mind that your PDE is based on a polynomial approximation. Taking the difference of two points does not give you the polynomial gradient inside the element. $\endgroup$
    – ConvexHull
    Commented Jan 1, 2022 at 23:41

1 Answer 1


You cannot specify just a boundary condition on $\partial_x u$ at $x_L$.

Remember that in DG your solution is composed of piecewise discontinuous polynomials; at every interface you can have effectively any jump in $u$, which is separate from the slope of u to the left or right of the interface.

Unless $f(u,x)$ has any dependence on $\partial_x u$ (in which cases you need to use elliptic/higher derivative methods for DG such as LDG or interior penalty methods), it turns out that specifying $\partial_x u$ as a boundary condition makes no difference to the solution!

For example, suppose that $x_L = 0$, and consider the two following states for $u$: $$ u_1 = \begin{cases} x-1 & x < 0\\ x+1 & x > 0 \end{cases}\\ u_2 = \begin{cases} -x-1 & x < 0\\ x+1 & x > 0 \end{cases} $$ Using your definition of numerical flux, then we get in both cases $$ f^* = \frac{f(1,0) + f(-1,0)}{2} + C $$

Instead of specifying what $\partial_x u$ is, instead you can specify the amount of flux flowing into or out of your domain: $$ f(u,x) \cdot n^-|_{x_L} = g_2(t) $$ Then when it comes to calculating the numerical flux at the boundary, you just plug in the BC directly.


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