So I need a fast converging solver for SysLinEq as a subroutine in fortran, decided to test BiCGStab in Matlab.
Thank God I decided to test it out on first before implementing in Fortran as a subroutine.
might be inappropriate place to ask but when I run the following
method from wiki for matrices it somewhat works for small systems,
but for the matrices bigger than 40x40 it does not want to converge.
might be coding/analytical issue. At first I tried regular CG, but my matrices aren't anything around symmetric positive definite, but sparse.
Matrices and vectors are generated at random for testing purpose.
If this is inappropriate place to ask please recommend the best forum - I asked on overflow, last week, no updates.
thank you in advance
clc; clear; close all;
n = 20;
epsilon = 1e-4
c = 0;
A = rand(n);
b = rand(n);
b = b(1,:)';
fprintf('max err using linsolve is:\n %.22f',max(abs(A*linsolve(A,b)-b)))
fprintf('\n so the solution exists');
x0 = zeros(1,n)';
r0 = b - A*x0;
rhat = r0-100;
rho0 = 1;
alpha = 1;
w0 = 1;
v0 = zeros(1,n)';
p0 = zeros(1,n)';
rim1 = r0;
wim1 = w0;
pim1 = p0;
vim1 = v0;
xim1 = x0;
ctr = 0;
while max(abs(A*x-b)>epsilon)
rhoi = dot(rhat , rim1);
beta = (rhoi/rhoim1)*(alpha/wim1);
pi = rim1 + beta*(pim1 - wim1*vim1);
vi = A*pi;
alpha = rhoi / dot(rhat,vi);
h = xim1 + alpha*pi;
if (max(A*h-b)<epsilon)
x = h;
s = rim1 - alpha*vi;
t = A*s;
wi = dot(t,s)/dot(t,t);
xi = h+wi*s;
if (max(A*xi-b)<epsilon)
x = xi;
ri = s - wi*t;
rim1 = ri;
wim1 = wi;
pim1 = pi;
vim1 = vi;
xim1 = xi;
ctr = ctr+1;
max(abs(A*x - b))