This is a somewhat basic question, I guess. Take the ODE boundary value problem $$ \frac1\lambda y''-y'=0, \qquad y(0) = 0, \quad y(1) = 1, $$ with the solution $$ y(x) = \frac{e^{x\lambda}-1}{e^\lambda -1}. $$ Discretize it on a uniform grid $x_k = kh$, $h=1/n$, $k=0,\ldots,n$, as follows: $$ \frac1\lambda \frac{y_{k-1}-2y_k+y_{k+1}}{h^2}-\frac{y_{k+1}-y_{k-1}}{2h} = 0, $$ and solve the resulting tridiagonal system, for, e.g., $n=100, \lambda=10^4$:
With increasing $n$, the scheme nevertheless converges.
a. Can you suggest a good reference that describes this kind of thing? I think that stiffness of initial-value problems is not quite the same thing, which is why I'm asking this question, but maybe I'm wrong.
b. Short of choosing a better method, is there a "filter" I can apply to the output $\mathbf{y}_{0:n}$ to recover a better approximation of the true solution (in particular, make the transformed output positive, as it should be).